0001muffin★.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:47:12.85ID:lURrT81Z9
9/14 (Sat) 13:50
The Instagram account for pets operated by Kenji Yamauchi (43) of the comedy duo “Kamaitachi” and his wife was updated on the 14th to report the death of their beloved cat. The account, which is run by Yamauchi and his wife, read, “Hello. Nyanji passed away the other day,” the post read. “It really touched my heart to see him trying so hard to live without giving up until the very end. No matter how many times I experience this, I never know what the right answer is,” he said, deeply saddened. Yamauchi is an openly self-proclaimed cat lover. He also met his wife after posting about his cat on social media. At one time they had five cats, but one died in 2022, two in 2023, and two more died this year. “Our precious cats have passed away one after the other, and we no longer have any cats in our home. Catwalks, cat litter, scratching posts and dishes. I miss everyone’s favorite spots, their shadows peeking through the gaps in the curtains, their gentle breathing at my pillow, their footsteps running towards me, the sound of them drinking water, the sound of them eating crunchy food, their fur on my clothes: I miss everything. “Every day I feel the loneliness of never seeing them again,” she wrote, revealing the pain she feels from repeated separations. “Right now I’m just trying to live my life to the fullest and do the best I can. I was really happy that everyone loved me so much. Please remember him from time to time as one of your memories, both the image of him fighting his illness and the image of him when he was fluffy and healthy. Thank you so much for all the love you have shown Nyanji.” “I would also like to thank the doctors and staff at the hospital who did their best to treat me and gently embraced my sometimes depressed feelings,” he said, expressing his gratitude for the support he received from those around him. The Yamauchi family currently has one dog. Please see the source for more details
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Yamauchi Kenji’s two beloved cats are fighting squamous cell carcinoma and kidney disease
The Yamauchi family has been going through a series of sad farewells, including the deaths of their beloved cats last year and the year before. “I was wondering whether to let you know,” he said, “but I decided to write this in the hope that I can offer some support to those who are currently fighting the same battle.” In fact, Gab has squamous cell carcinoma and receives chemotherapy once a week, while Nyanji has kidney disease and receives cell therapy once every two weeks.

The Instagram account for pets operated by Kenji Yamauchi (43) of the comedy duo “Kamaitachi” and his wife was updated on the 14th to report the death of their beloved cat. The account, which is run by Yamauchi and his wife, read, “Hello. Nyanji passed away the other day,” the post read. “It really touched my heart to see him trying so hard to live without giving up until the very end. No matter how many times I experience this, I never know what the right answer is,” he said, deeply saddened. Yamauchi is an openly self-proclaimed cat lover. He also met his wife after posting about his cat on social media. At one time they had five cats, but one died in 2022, two in 2023, and two more died this year. “Our precious cats have passed away one after the other, and we no longer have any cats in our home. Catwalks, cat litter, scratching posts and dishes. I miss everyone’s favorite spots, their shadows peeking through the gaps in the curtains, their gentle breathing at my pillow, their footsteps running towards me, the sound of them drinking water, the sound of them eating crunchy food, their fur on my clothes: I miss everything. “Every day I feel the loneliness of never seeing them again,” she wrote, revealing the pain she feels from repeated separations. “Right now I’m just trying to live my life to the fullest and do the best I can. I was really happy that everyone loved me so much. Please remember him from time to time as one of your memories, both the image of him fighting his illness and the image of him when he was fluffy and healthy. Thank you so much for all the love you have shown Nyanji.” “I would also like to thank the doctors and staff at the hospital who did their best to treat me and gently embraced my sometimes depressed feelings,” he said, expressing his gratitude for the support he received from those around him. The Yamauchi family currently has one dog. Please see the source for more details
Related articles
Yamauchi Kenji’s two beloved cats are fighting squamous cell carcinoma and kidney disease
The Yamauchi family has been going through a series of sad farewells, including the deaths of their beloved cats last year and the year before. “I was wondering whether to let you know,” he said, “but I decided to write this in the hope that I can offer some support to those who are currently fighting the same battle.” In fact, Gab has squamous cell carcinoma and receives chemotherapy once a week, while Nyanji has kidney disease and receives cell therapy once every two weeks.


山内健司、愛猫2匹が扁平上皮がんと腎臓病で闘病中 妻が明かした内容に「涙が止まりません」の声
0030Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:51:50.09ID:FdU8bkKs0
That’s too bad…
That’s too bad…
0002Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:48:28.03ID:u3wDkb+U0
There must be some reason.
0003Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:48:31.44ID:BKAId+5m0
Sister, something has happened.
0004Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:48:38.09ID:H+3/Y0Ye0
0006Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:48:43.14ID:z2/5t9e+0
You don’t have to tell people that you have a cat or that it died.
0007Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:48:43.23ID:+e6y+AOx0(1/2)
There seems to be a problem with the owner.
0008Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:48:53.61ID:wZ3VlZcY0
They’re trash and buy things from pet stores, so the food they eat is bad.
0009Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:49:13.45ID:b1dA1U2d0
Trump: “In Springfield (r).”
0010Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:49:23.03ID:CNRhmJzq0
You’re probably giving them lots of treats to get them to come over just for the sake of your ego, out of pity.
0011Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:49:26.93ID:u4LhTEq10(1/4)
Hmm, something seems fishy. This person’s younger brother has also been protecting customers from a series of fraud cases, but he seems suspicious.
0111Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 17:02:36.34ID:YPRdgnts0
0012Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:49:33.35ID:zsNqLnmM0
Is the disease contagious?
0013Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:49:35.51ID:j7WOhkKi0
Well, it’s the salt. But even cats will jump at salty meat and fish over reduced-salt foods.
0015Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:49:51.91ID:qybc/iET0
Maybe the food is not good?
0016Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:02.70ID:h4yp9m0g0
I’m not qualified to keep it.
0017Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:04.04ID:L69B8h+N0(1/2)
Ah, cats are really susceptible to kidney problems. It must be very painful. Even if you have a lot of money, it can’t save you from illness.
0018Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:05.72ID:p/konWyf0
Five in two years is a bit unusual.
0019Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:13.69ID:RMZuSf/t0
Benikou…oh, it looks like someone’s coming.
0020Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:24.84ID:Oxj5YVOx0
Did you originally rescue a sick cat?
0021Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:26.72ID:ITsyqDRC0(1/2)
I wonder what food this is from.
0022Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:51.45ID:UW4H6Zqx0
Isn’t that a bit much?
0023Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:50:56.91ID:hUOolK5G0(1/6)
Four Maine Coons and one Ragamuffin…
A large family of high-end cats.
A large family of high-end cats.
0024Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:51:04.11ID:SRBhIS9T0
I’m a cat.
0025Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:51:12.41ID:JUPOlHty0
Did I feed him something strange?
0027Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:51:24.07ID:Hy7MCfXM0
There’s something wrong with the way you’re raising them. That can’t happen.
0028Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:51:31.41ID:/RPXJbQV0
How old were they all when they died?
With so many of them happening in succession, I can’t help but suspect there must be some underlying reason.
With so many of them happening in succession, I can’t help but suspect there must be some underlying reason.
0031Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:51:55.67ID:j6+cjvBK0
I think the reason for this is probably because I’m feeding them five fish in two years.
0032Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:15.68ID:J2KSpP4i0(1/2)
This person doesn’t seem to have a good reputation among cat lovers, so I wonder if there’s something to it.
0039Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:53:12.08ID:+e6y+AOx0(2/2)
Because he was buying up brand name cats and making money from publishing books.
Because he was buying up brand name cats and making money from publishing books.
0033Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:29.16ID:hUOolK5G0(2/6)
I can’t believe it, but I’ve heard people bring back bouquets of lilies and put them up on display. I mean, that’s not possible.
0092Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 17:00:20.40ID:SKSbk05p0
I never knew lilies were taboo for cats
I learned something new.
I never knew lilies were taboo for cats
I learned something new.
0034Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:39.22ID:tFD88cdc0
0035Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:43.65ID:tTNFgo3t0
Unless they’re all elderly, I can only think that there must be a problem with the way they’re being cared for.
0036Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:46.16ID:fWQ7UcIU0
I have a lot of thoughts but I can’t write them down because I’m afraid I’ll get sued.
0037Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:47.68ID:sQIrPdp90
Being kept by humans must be hard for a cat.
0049Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:54:41.07ID:cLujIx070(1/4)
Isn’t that better than just getting rid of them at the local health center?
Isn’t that better than just getting rid of them at the local health center?
0038Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:52:52.14ID:shxGdw2Q0
I think she normally gives him chocolate and milk.
0040Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:53:12.95ID:GIj4hqe70
There is also a possibility that they were giving them mineral water.
0041Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:53:46.82ID:EYoyD2P90
I hate people who say things like “crossing the Rainbow Bridge.”
0057Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:55:12.58ID:cLujIx070(2/4)
Stop badmouthing Taxi Kick.
Stop badmouthing Taxi Kick.
0070Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:57:30.27ID:Zpu6nItU0
Is this an insult to Domoto Koichi, whose beloved dog recently passed away?
Is this an insult to Domoto Koichi, whose beloved dog recently passed away?
0042Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:54:04.81ID:ghWwmuZz0
I’ve only ever had dogs, but do they really die like that? Is it an infection or something?
0043Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:54:06.41ID:4vGNJdLO0(1/3)
Renal failure is common in older cats. My cat developed renal failure at age 17 and struggled with the disease for two years.
0045Anonymous @I’m sorry.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 16:54:11.05ID:qOx4Z0vA0
Once, while talking about the time his cat died on a talk show, he burst into tears, leaving his co-stars confused.