Why School Physical Education is Creating People Who Hate Exercise: A Hot Topic on X

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A genuine comment from a sports-savvy person about those who hate physical education goes viral. What's wrong with school PE?

1Mr.Shoko★.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:47:42.20ID:voaOFK1r9
“I didn't know there were people who hated physical education” – A genuine comment from a “person who is good at sports” is a hot topic on x… What are the problems with school physical education that mass produces people who hate sports? | Shueisha Online
People who are good at sports don't know that there are people who hate physical education classes – such a post by x is becoming a hot topic. At x, people expressed surprise at the insensitivity of the class, and people who are not good at sports expressed their resentment towards physical education. Why do physical education classes produce so many people who dislike exercise? Shueisha Online Editorial News Team
Voices of resentment towards physical education classes erupt
Posts about “physical education classes” are becoming a hot topic on x. One of the most shocking incidents I've encountered while using Twitter was when an NPO employee who creates spaces for local residents to play sports said, “Until I started using Twitter, I never knew there were people who resented school physical education,” which was an eye-opener for me. The person said that physical education was the most fun. He was stunned by the number of complaints directed at physical education. 〉
This post caused a huge stir, with 33.56 million impressions and 100,000 likes. In response to this post, many people who “hate PE” posted comments such as “It was really painful” and “I wasn't good at PE, but at the same time I didn't like the people who were good at PE,” as well as comments of surprise such as “I didn't realize,” “They're so insensitive,” and “They didn't notice their classmates who hated PE…” By the way, former track and field athlete and World Athletics Championship bronze medalist Dai Tamesue has also posted something similar in the past. “The good thing about leaving sports and going out into society is that I realized there were so many people who disliked or hated sports, and people who played sports but were hurt by it. (Omitted) I think we need to understand that a not-so-small group of people who have had terrible experiences with sports and have distanced themselves from them are looking coldly at us for saying that “sports are the best".

Although not all of them are, it seems to be true that people who are good at sports are not aware that “there are people who hate physical education and sports". So why do physical education classes create a dislike of exercise? The following reasons were posted on x: “I was laughed at by the people around me".
“What was hard was being compared to others and being discriminated against, and being treated like a burden when we were assigned to different teams".
“It was also hard to hold everyone back in team sports".
The post that went viral received a flood of replies sharing painful experiences, such as making mistakes during team sports in gym class and being given cold stares or laughed at. However, is the mechanism by which physical education classes mass-produce people who dislike exercise really just due to ridicule and discrimination from people who are good at sports? Next page
“PE teachers create students who dislike PE”
*See source for full article.


「体育を恨んでいる人がいるなんて知らなかった」“運動が得意な人”の素の発言がXで話題に…運動嫌いを量産する学校の体育の問題点とは? | 集英社オンライン | ニュースを本気で噛み砕け
2Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:49:22.06ID:hh63YlME0
Physical education teachers hate students who are bad at sports.
3Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:49:42.09ID:6Wu2Zbrh0
Soccer and basketball were painful. You can't just do it.
4Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:49:47.60ID:yNIWad8D0
There's no fun in endurance running on a freezing cold day.
42Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:31.07ID:suIcEYs60
It's no fun if it's hot.
6Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:50:33.94ID:WBRCPMde0
I remember almost collapsing during a marathon.
7Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:51:14.25ID:f8yugZGa0
I think marathons are abuse. You ran well.
46Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:50.06ID:xbRHBiDl0
Everyone was reluctant to run in the marathon.
The level of dislike is nothing compared to PE.
9Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:51:36.12ID:2NEJKO8I0
Art class was a struggle for me.
10Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:00.82ID:Szz0wMCQ0
During a soccer match, a cocky soccer team member said, “Because of you, we can't call offside". What the hell? You idiot.
11Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:02.82ID:fbhDLcPF0
I didn't know taking photos of trains was resented.
12Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:08.67ID:rhPhUIXN0
I don't understand PE, but I don't understand the value of art classes even more. I'm not going to be a painter or anything, and I don't want to get better at drawing. What's more, even though drawings can't be objectively judged as good or bad, they still get graded for some reason. What objective criteria do teachers use to judge them? Like attitude in class?
54Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:57:41.35ID:6DwzTrsH0
When you're writing something on a blackboard or whiteboard
it's better to be good than bad
But now I use PowerPoint to explain things, so I can just go to Irasutoya lol.
68Security Guard [lv.9] [new].Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:59:08.31ID:F5MRONPA0
Art is something that anyone can appreciate.
It's weird because it's supposed to sharpen your senses.
They should teach you the knowledge in the liberal arts class.
76Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 12:00:07.93ID:kHhdRUMO0
Co-subjects are important.
Referring to others, understanding the process and finishing by the deadline, managing tools, concentrating, objectively comparing your own performance with that of others, etc.
They can even be more important than your main subjects.
14Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:23.78ID:+UReoZ/B0
It's a huge lie that athletes are refreshing and have good personalities.
15Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:24.65ID:IuhMY3XP0
As the saying goes, hate PE but don't hate tone deafness.
16Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:33.35ID:lVlmFY2a0
I don't like sports, or rather, athletic clubs. There's that peculiar subservient relationship between seniors and juniors where no one benefits. Also, people in that type of club seem to believe that exercise and sports will solve all problems, like health or relationships.
40Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:25.86ID:Yox9lzou0
People who think that the athletic way is absolutely good are a nuisance to society…
I have a friend who was targeted and destroyed by a crazed old lady
He was originally the type of person who was liked by everyone, regardless of age or gender.
17Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:34.06ID:SrUpzIOe0
I was frustrated that we couldn't play catch during P.E., and it was hard to play soccer and basketball because there weren't many goals.
18Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:43.75ID:1kJwP3HR0
At school, if you're not good at studying or sports, you're treated like a loser.
19Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:52:55.36ID:5ewBNLZF0
It's easier to survive if you're treated as incompetent from your student days than if you suddenly enter a capitalist society and are treated as incompetent.
22Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:53:29.67ID:5pH5P1Th0
Well, that makes sense.
20Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:53:07.08ID:kHhdRUMO0
The only way physical education can cause trauma is if you're bad at sports, with developmental coordination disorder. Such people have a tendency to have unpleasant memories. Developmental disorders occur together.

It is said that people with developmental disorders can have flashbacks of unpleasant memories or vividly recall them as images.

21Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:53:10.52ID:JPeg3dNM0
If you're forced to do math, science, or social studies at school, you'll end up hating them, right? It's the same thing.
23Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:53:46.29ID:SEg8IHDb0
I guess it was only the table tennis club, but they were kind enough to put up with my terrible skills.
67Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:59:07.75ID:6DwzTrsH0
In table tennis, I remember practicing by hitting 100 rounds against someone you weren't good at.
24Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:53:52.22ID:YtWDXLx90
Having to sing in music class would have been hellish, but I don't particularly resent the class itself.
25Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:54:03.99ID:Nj89WoM/0
Physical education is the best subject for teaching about survival of the fittest, it's one of the few subjects where you can visibly see who is superior.
27Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:54:11.14ID:a2dVD8xT0
In elementary school, if you couldn't do a back flip on the horizontal bar, you had to keep doing it while everyone was watching you until the bell rang, and if you couldn't swim, you had to keep doing it while everyone was watching you until you finished swimming. I think that's wrong.
39Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:04.96ID:SYV5shqp0
And yet they don't tell you how to do it.
41Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:29.81ID:AeSHVbNl0
There are only about three people in a class who have experienced this.
On the internet, it becomes millions and there are huge voices saying this,
but the majority of the rest either like PE or are just okay with it.
79Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 12:00:18.34ID:aklWN6ip0
I remember I couldn't do a back flip so I trained at the park until I could do it
I guess I was frustrated.
31Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:54:54.05ID:NHBeAwSd0
A popular club that Generation Z wants to join.
56Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:57:55.11ID:SrUpzIOe0
Basketball is second? lol
But looking at it like this
They're all just boring lol.
32Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:54:54.57ID:zgqb+rnT0
I loved PE too, but I didn't think there would be people who didn't like it. That's tough. How can you not pay attention to what's going on around you?
65Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:58:54.74ID:Yox9lzou0
There are a lot of people like that, not just in PE…
They only care about being praised, so they don't show any consideration or care for those around them and don't get praised that much, and when the time comes, they're looked down upon… or something like that.
34Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:55:04.44ID:4omWqZla0
A dangerous object called an iron bar.
35Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:55:34.09ID:nWXJHh6R0
I used to hate running, but now I'm paying to run marathons, so I don't know what to do.
36Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:55:36.05ID:/5nFmEng0
Even if you're not good at studying, you won't get scolded by your classmates, but PE is a different story.
37Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:55:56.63ID:RoIaYsz+0
Okazaki, I think.
38Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:02.55ID:m1zPLzfK0
When dividing teams into ball games or rock-paper-scissors, the strongest players are chosen at first, and then it's always the last person left who has to fight over the best players. And then there's the pushing and shoving of me at the bottom.
63Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:58:30.36ID:zgqb+rnT0
I took it from friends like that, but now I think that was tough too.
43Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:32.02ID:2Pg9rMAn0
There is no normal person who hates physical education.
44Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:47.95ID:PgcZYvJ60
Because extroverts are self-righteous and have no compassion for others.
45Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:48.21ID:9lgivy7t0
On the other hand, there are probably very few subjects that you like, so what's that?
47Security Guard [lv.9] [new].Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:56:52.35ID:F5MRONPA0
When I was in high school, I played soccer and for some reason the goalkeeper yelled at me. I didn't understand what he meant. It wasn't until a few years later that I realized that this was different from the world of the younger generation, where everyone wanted to be a goalkeeper because they could use their hands.
48Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:57:01.52ID:9LZmkhtY0
Guys who couldn't receive a volleyball or catch a softball fly were a real nuisance.
70Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:59:28.25ID:qnu28SyZ0
In high school, we did a kind of warm-up game of catch with a volleyball, but my partner, who was divided by height, couldn't even do it.
He said he was scared and bounced it off with his hands.
I got more and more annoyed, so in the end I hit him with all my might lol.
49Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:57:08.57ID:NiheMZKV0
I hated judo. I really hated it.
50Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:57:15.27ID:HGbOTCE40
I was no good at studying, PE, music, or art, so I had no weaknesses (lol).
59Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:58:10.85ID:xp1VJvQI0
I hated dodgeball and the volleyball ball was hard and hurt my feet.
73Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:59:41.61ID:SrUpzIOe0
The most common injuries were with my fingers from basketball, volleyball, and dodgeball lol.
61Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 11:58:19.15ID:QGefWDVc0
I thought it was a story about Okazaki Taiiku being hated.
75Anonymous @I'm sorry.Dec. 26, 2024 (Thu) 12:00:02.95ID:M5i+EZhE0
I hated team sports.
Reference: https://hayabusa9.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/mnewsplus/1735181262

Other languages: 「体育を恨んでいる人がいるなんて知らなかった」“運動が得意な人”の素の発言がXで話題に…運動嫌いを量産する学校の体育の問題点とは, “No sabía que había gente que odiaba la educación física''. Un simple comentario de una “persona que es buena en los deportes'' se convirtió en un tema candente en x… ¿Cuál es el problema con la educación física en las escuelas? ¿Que producen en masa personas que odian los deportes?


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