“We now control about 1,000 square kilometers of Russian territory,” Ukrainian military commander General Sergei Shirsky wrote in a Telegram post on the 12th. It is now the seventh day since Ukraine began its cross-border attack, and it appears to be expanding its area of control. Shirsky also posted a video of just over a minute showing a meeting of the Ukrainian military’s top commanders. Through the screen, he is seen reporting to President Zelensky and others that “we are continuing operations on the territory of Kursk Oblast (in southwestern Russia)” and that “fighting is taking place across the entire front, but we are in control of the situation.” Zelensky also posted about the meeting of top commanders on social media. He said he had received a report from Shirsky about “our operations in the Kursk region,” and that he had instructed the Interior Ministry and the Russian Security Service to begin preparations to provide humanitarian assistance to Russians in the region. “It is only fair to destroy Russian terrorists where they are, where they launch their attacks – our military airfields and logistics bases,” Zelensky said in a video address on the evening of the 12th. “We understand how this will help bring peace closer,” he said. (London = Fujiwara Manabu) Asahi Shimbun, August 13, 2024, 7:30am.
>>16 The conscripted Ukrainian soldiers are not capable of using the weapons provided to them The ones using the weapons on the front lines are Westerners.
It looks like Moscow will fall and Ukraine will annex Russia. Following history’s example, they should be arrested and then transferred to Yekaterinburg.
>>30 Well, it’s a special military operation lol. Perhaps Ukraine has decided that it will be difficult to completely retake the territory occupied by Russia on its own. Before they knew we were coming, they invaded Russian territory and seized as much of it as possible. They intend to use it as a bargaining chip to take back the territory that was taken.
>>33 It’s difficult to retake the territory that was taken because it’s heavily defended The theory is to attack Russian territory that is lightly defended If you take Russian territory, you can use it as a condition for a ceasefire.
This is the first time since Germany that the Soviet Union and Russia have been so invaded from the outside. This is Putin’s first major humiliation. It was a huge mistake to invade and not be able to take Kyiv within a few days. Sun Tzu’s golden advice that an invasion must be decided quickly and in one fell swoop remains valid today.
Russia → A war of defense for an ally Ukraine → An invasion of Russian territory Objectively speaking, isn’t Ukraine strange?? They’re receiving support on the basis of an exclusively defensive defense, right? Why are they invading?