1Capital Region Tiger ★.Nov. 17, 2024 (Sun) 10:37:07.59ID:t10nfHzr9
A fire broke out at a university hospital in northern India on the night of the 15th, killing 10 hospitalized newborn babies. Local authorities are investigating whether there were any flaws in the hospital’s safety management system. A fire broke out at a university hospital in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh on the night of the 15th. According to local media, the fire killed 10 newborn babies hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit and left more than 10 with burns and other injuries. Many people have gathered at the hospital, unsure of the safety of their children, and footage from the scene shows a woman who appears to be a family member collapsed. One mother said: “I still don’t know where my children are. “I was not able to go and help when the fire broke out,” he said. Full text at source 17 Nov 2024 5:26am.
Well, I guess it’s okay to give up, just accept that it was a stillbirth, and focus on having another baby. India is a baby-making powerhouse on the same level as China, so human life is cheap.
>>15 These children were in the intensive care unit, so if they don’t get taken out with the medical equipment (ventilators, etc.), they will die quickly.
He may have been burned to death or died of carbon monoxide poisoning. He probably couldn’t have escaped on his own, so he may have died a painful death.
It must have been so hot. Getting caught up in it without even saying a word. It must never happen again. I hope you’ll be reborn and live a happy life.
It’s a baby, right? You can have another one. It’s good that you decided to have another one early on. If it dies when you’ve finished raising it, it’s no good.
>>57 In other words, in God’s eyes, all people have equal value. Elon Musk, a high school girl about to commit suicide, and a newborn baby are all equal.