Unlicensed part-time workers also break into an apartment building, using a rough method of prying open the door with a crowbar... Two different groups attack the same room in Osaka.
※2024/11/15 11:04 Yomiuri Shimbun An interview with the Osaka Prefectural Police revealed that in April this year, two thefts and break-ins occurred in the same apartment building in Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, over the course of four days. The room was occupied by the male president of a cosmetics company in his 60s, and the first time, approximately 14 million yen worth of cash and gold bars were stolen, while the second time the break-in was limited to the front door. The perpetrators are believed to be different, and prefectural police believe that an “anonymous, mobile crime group” (Tokuryu) that gathers perpetrators through “illegal part-time jobs” and repeats crimes is involved. Continue reading ↓ Illegal part-time workers invade apartments, or use a rough method of prying open doors with crowbars…separate groups attack the same room Related thread A part-time worker is recruiting perpetrators, or suspected of invading apartments, and the man who gave the orders is arrested by the Osaka Prefectural Police [Flea Market★].
>>1 From now on, apartment complexes will be targeted. Anywhere with a dozing night-time security guard will be broken into quickly. Have them patrol every hour until morning.
>>16 Wasn’t the damage from the recent robbery-murder case amounting to several tens of thousands of yen? It seems like there’s a trend where it doesn’t matter how much cash you have.
If you think about defending your home from a burglar’s point of view, you should be able to figure out what to do. Of course, it depends on your intelligence.
I can’t trust the customer management of foreign traders and securities traders, so I’m sure the lists are leaking all over the place. It doesn’t matter to me, I’m poor though.
>Different groups attack the same room There are multiple bosses or people placing orders, but I wonder if they use the same target list Scary. Are there any common threads among the victims so far? Please identify the source of the leak.
Do rich people keep gold bars at home? I don’t think there’s much point in having ingots, since you can’t use them or display them It would be better if they just had them in a gold ETF or fund.
>>33 Well, if you blame the LDP, it’s also because of the push for My Number cards lol It seems that people who join shady part-time jobs end up with their personal information (My Number card information, etc.) in the hands of those in charge, and can’t resist.
I once received a postcard from the Osaka Prefectural Police warning me that my personal information was on a list of people who had their information confiscated.