A victim reveals being forced into sex slavery for nine years, blackmailed with nude photos, and accuses the “dark side of popular theater” after being exploited.
1★50 years of part-time experience.Nov. 19, 2024 (Tue) 09:13:06.18ID:gYIpoaIH9
It was nine years ago that A-san first saw a performance by the Tachibana Kikutaro Theater Company. “When I went to the super public bath, the Tachibana Kikutaro Theatre Company happened to be performing there. When I actually saw it, I was surprised at how beautiful it was. When I was having a meal after the show, one of the actors said to me, ‘We’re having a dinner party for the audience, would you like to come?'” A-san went to see Tachibana Theatre Company a few times after that, and also started to attend the dinner parties afterwards. “Sometimes the dinner parties were held at a theater, and sometimes we rented out a separate venue for a meal with 30 to 40 people. After going there a few times and becoming acquainted with the chairman, Tachibana, he started inviting me to the after-party. However, from that point on, everything changed…” The after-party took place in a dimly lit bar where Kikutaro and the others were regulars. Apparently only a limited number of the theater company’s “big customer” attended the after-party. “In popular theatre, it is common for audience members to give tips to actors. Theater companies have customers who are generous with their spending and are called big customers. At the after-party, people just gulp down tequila, shochu, etc. Everyone keeps encouraging me to drink, so I have no choice but to drink. I’m not particularly bad with alcohol, and I’ve never vomited after drinking, but even though I drink in one go, I get unnaturally drunk. I felt sick and vomited…and I have no memory of what happened after that. Then the next thing I knew, I was naked in a hotel bed, being passed around by the big-spending men.
The health center I often go to also has some popular theater going on, but I have no idea what’s so funny about it. The interjections are too loud lol.
In every country, traveling theater troupes have had to work as prostitutes, so in a way they respect tradition. That doesn’t mean they condone non-consensual sex, just that consent should be confirmed when joining a theater troupe.
It might be possible for a member of a theatre company or a model for some small agency, but I don’t know about customers. Even if it did happen, it would probably be hushed up and it’s unlikely to come out into the open.