The government decides on emergency crime prevention measures, including the police’s “pretend to be employed” operation to combat illegal part-time jobs.
On the 17th, the government held a Cabinet meeting on crime prevention and decided on emergency measures to prevent crimes such as robberies involving “illegal part-time jobs.” It clearly states that the government will soon implement “fake identity investigations,” in which police investigators falsely identify themselves and apply for illegal part-time jobs. Regarding recruitment information, the government will clarify what is illegal and urge social networking service operators to thoroughly delete posts about illegal part-time jobs. The National Police Agency has dubbed the false identity investigation “pretend to be hired” operation and has been considering introducing it. The emergency measures include considering ways in which they can be implemented within the scope of current law, clarifying them through guidelines etc., and implementing them as soon as possible. The National Police Agency will be in discussions with the Ministry of Justice and others to determine that creating fake identification for investigation purposes will not constitute the crime of forgery of public documents, and therefore its illegality will be precluded. They are also working on creating guidelines to ensure the safety of investigators, with the intention of quickly implementing false identity investigations. *For the full article, see the following source: 2024/12/17 08:28 Mainichi Shimbun Digital.
Make the people you catch confess your accomplices Kill them all, that’s the Duterte method The legal profession that resists is also guilty Don’t run away from severe punishment.
Why are undercover operations absolutely not allowed? Is it because there are a lot of yakuza Nihon University graduates in the police force? Is it because the Unification Church has a strong presence in the ruling party?
This is the police’s job. What the government should do is create policies that don’t produce people like this. You don’t have to admit that failures in education and economic policies are creating illegal part-time jobs, but you should be aware of it.
I don’t think today’s police are capable of such advanced espionage. I can only imagine idiots who have no know-how, get found out right away, and come home peeing their pants, or idiots who easily switch sides and end up being made into spies in return.
A certain Jitam Party politician said, “This is it! All he has to do is hide his identity as a Diet member, hide the fact that he received bribes, and pretend to be innocent. Let’s call this the False Identity, Secret Funds Slurp Slurp Operation. “