Shoko Nakagawa: “There’s no need to protect the perpetrator” – Kitakyushu junior high school student murder case sparks controversy over suspect reporting. Talent and singer Shoko Nakagawa updated her x (formerly Twitter) account on the 19th. He wrote about his feelings toward the perpetrator of the crime. In connection with an incident in which a boy and girl in their third year of junior high school were stabbed at a McDonald’s in Kitakyushu City, resulting in the death of a female student, the Fukuoka Prefectural Police arrested a man in his 40s who lives nearby on suspicion of attempted murder on the same day. There has also been a lot of interest in this incident on social media, with several related words trending, such as “Murder of two junior high school students,” “Fukuoka Prefectural Police,” and “Near the scene.” On the other hand, there were also some questions raised about why the suspect’s real name was not reported. Perhaps in response to this situation, Nakagawa said, “No matter what the reason, the circumstances of the perpetrator are irrelevant to the victim.We absolutely want to have a society and laws that care for and protect victims, and there is no need to protect perpetrators.” Many followers responded in agreement, saying things like, “I agree,” “I absolutely agree,” and “It’s strange for the media and judiciary to publish the victim’s name and conceal the perpetrator’s identity.” However, there were also comments like, “We need to protect the perpetrator (and his/her family and relatives),” and “I don’t mean to defend the perpetrator, but when I learn about the environment in which the perpetrator grew up, I sometimes feel sympathy for them.” There were also opinions such as, “I don’t know who the perpetrator of this case is.” Nakagawa herself has been the victim of relentless stalking and repeated slander on social media for many years. In June last year, after receiving a post that could be interpreted as a death threat, X expressed his intention to report it to the police and cited the perpetrator’s mental health issues. “From the victim’s perspective, it makes no difference and physically takes away valuable time. “What a life to do something like that and make your parents sad,” he wrote, and took a firm stance, saying, “From the victim’s point of view, it doesn’t matter what the child’s mental state is!”
>>1 There’s no need to protect the perpetrator, so do you think it doesn’t matter if the perpetrator is killed by a prison guard or another inmate in prison? lol.
> I bet there are a lot of reports from all over the country right now saying “That guy looks dangerous” and asking for something to be done > The victim is a child, so they’re probably like, “To hell with consideration” (´・ω・`) I guess this is what happens (´・ω・`).
The name, personal information and photo of the Mitsubishi UFJ Bank employee who blackmailed him should be made public. He is a vicious criminal and terrifying.