There’s no water! Many people are buying food and water. Regarding cup noodles, packaged rice, and canned goods, “we ask that people remain calm so that there is no fighting over them.”
★ Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information: “Don’t worry” about shortages at supermarkets After the Japan Meteorological Agency issued the “Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information,” some supermarkets in Shizuoka Prefecture are experiencing shortages of water and packaged rice. The store says it has sufficient stock and is urging people to remain calm. At one supermarket in Suruga Ward, Shizuoka City, many people visited the store to buy water and food after the “Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information” was announced at 5 p.m. on the 8th. The store ran out of water, and cup noodles and packaged rice that can be heated in the microwave were also in short supply. Just before closing time, people were seen buying bottled tea, canned goods, and other items. A man in his 50s who came shopping said, “I went to a few stores, but it seems like people are buying up everything and there’s no water left. “I thought I should stock up on it on a regular basis,” he said. The store manager said, “Sales of water and cup noodles have been very good since the evening. Although we are temporarily out of stock, we can put them back on sale in stores immediately, so we ask that customers remain calm and not fight over them.” Before Before.
>>1 People in big cities: Convenience store products will run out. If rice fields are flooded before harvest, rice will become unaffordable. I think it’s more difficult in big cities.
There are still idiots saying “We’re going to run out of oil! Buy toilet paper!” Wouldn’t it be better to move to a foreign country instead of buying preserved food?
It seems that the people of Shizuoka Prefecture have secured a water supply, so it would be fine to dig a linear tunnel without worrying about the water source.
The earthquake comes at a time when rice supplies are already unstable, so if it affects the distribution of Kyushu-grown rice, the rice shortage may spread.
It would be better to provoke them periodically. If you do it every time, the peace-loving Japs will turn into the boy who cried wolf and stop buying up all the stock.
I’d buy one, but I wonder if I’ll be able to take it out. If the lifelines are cut off and the house stays safe, it will take a lot of luck. I’ll have to buy a sturdy shed in the garden to store it.