0001@Old Man Friends Club ★ Security Guard [lv.6] [Sprout].Aug. 14, 2024 (Wed) 00:46:00.19ID:AD4nFvI09
At the No. 2 reactor of Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, approximately 25 tons of water containing radioactive material has leaked into the building from a tank used to check the water level of the pool that cools spent nuclear fuel. TEPCO has stopped injecting water into the pool and is investigating the cause, but says there has been no leakage outside and that there are no problems with the cooling of the nuclear fuel. According to TEPCO, on August 9, an employee discovered an abnormally low water level in a tank used to collect water that overflows from the cooling pool for spent nuclear fuel on the fifth floor of the reactor building of the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to ensure that the pool is full. Continue reading on NHK 2024/08/13 21:41.
In the first place, the melted down fuel rods underground at Fukushima Daiichi reached the underground water veins, and highly contaminated water has been leaking into the ocean via the groundwater lol.
I can’t help but suspect that Unit 2 of the first reactor is doing this on purpose to further postpone the debris removal scheduled for the end of August.
If the crisis continues, the head office functions and Tokyo Electric Power Company’s headquarters functions will be moved to the Fukushima nuclear power plant site. It’ll get a little better.
There are problems, but I don’t think they’re that big of a problem. The bigger issue is how well it will withstand a mountain tsunami of the magnitude of a Tensho earthquake that could hit Japan in the future. There’s the experience of the Tohoku earthquake, and experts have given their approval, so I think it’ll be fine.
By the way, when will they remove the debris? They’ll have to use tax money, raise electricity prices, and the direct employees from back then will be able to comfortably receive their retirement benefits and live off their pensions. I feel sorry for the subcontractors who are the most dangerous.
The visibility of nuclear power plants in Japan is abnormal. If this were China or Korea, it would not even be reported to superiors, let alone reported to the media.
There’s no point in doing anything now. The plan is to decommission the plant in 25 years, but even in 50 years that’s not possible. And in the meantime, we’ll have to keep paying high electricity bills that include the decommissioning costs.
We must collect all the debris and not turn it into a sarcophagus so that citizens can return! While we’re saying this, it’s likely that it will all end up flowing into Fukushima Bay and piling up.