10/13 (Sun) 11:02 aera dot. The Kurds are known as “the world’s largest nation without a country.” Hatred towards Kurds is currently on the rise in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, where many Kurds live, and the neighboring city of Warabi. What is needed to eradicate hate? From the October 14, 2024 issue of aera. *** Attorney Yasuko Morooka, who has long been involved in human rights ordinances and discrimination issues, points out that “as a result of incitement to discrimination, prejudice against the Kurdish people has spread among citizens and society has been divided.” “Kurdish people are being harassed by their neighbors, have their pictures taken in the streets without permission, and even hit-and-run hate crimes have occurred; the situation is extremely dangerous.” ■Necessity for legislation to impose sanctions In June 2016, the “Hate Speech Elimination Act,” which states that “elimination is an urgent task” to combat unfair discriminatory behavior against foreigners, was enacted. Morooka says the Act on the Elimination of Hate Speech defines “discriminatory speech and behavior” and stipulates that it is “unacceptable,” and that it is significant in that it is the first law in Japan to establish the responsibility of national and local public entities to work to eliminate discrimination against people of foreign origins. “However, because there are no clear provisions prohibiting discrimination or imposing sanctions, the deterrent effect is weak, and hate speech and hate crimes have not stopped even after the enactment of the Discrimination Act.” Hate speech violates the basic human rights of minorities and erodes the dignity of those at whom it is directed. Attorney Shioka argues, “To eliminate hate speech, at the very least, we need laws that prohibit discrimination and impose sanctions for violations.” Under international law, such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Japan has a legal obligation to prohibit and end discrimination. Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture enacted the “City Planning Ordinance for Respecting Human Rights and Free of Discrimination” in December 2019, citing the Act on the Elimination of Hate Speech as its legal basis. In this law, when hate speech, as stipulated in the Act on the Elimination of Foreign Origins, is carried out by a group in a public place, it will be subject to criminal regulation with a fine of up to 500,000 yen, limited to severe cases where the hate speech is repeated despite the mayor having recommended or ordered the speech to stop. (Source below.
>>1 They just shouldn’t be allowed into Japan. Even if they are allowed in, they should at least be screened for culture, good sense, common sense, personality, religion, ideology, and Japanese language ability, right? This isn’t just for Kurds, but it’s essential for anyone wanting to enter Asia. Oh… natives from China, North Korea, and South Korea are rejected lol.
>>1 Yoritaka Hideo (born October 10, 1963) is a Japanese politician. Mayor of Warabi City, Saitama Prefecture (5 terms). Political party: Japanese Communist Party.
>>5 >The question of who caused it I’d say it was a campaign that was carried out in connection with the amendment of the Immigration Control Act It seems like the Kurds were targeted because of the amendment to the law, which would allow the forced deportation of people who are applying for refugee status.
>>6 It’s the Japanese themselves who have continued to praise it as a beautiful idea, so they deserve it. Tatemae is truly beautiful, and it’s fun to beat up people who speak their true feelings, erase them from society, and take away their right to speak. Hate the sin, not the sinner! (confident).
>>7 If there’s a sense of injustice in the situation, like non-prosecution and mysterious reductions in sentences, it’s only natural that people would dislike him.
The prosecution rate of foreigners visiting Japan is 3.1 points higher for criminal offenses, 1.9 points lower for special offenses, and 4.0 points lower for special offenses excluding Immigration Control Act violations, compared to the total number of final processed persons including Japanese nationals. Foreigners do not agree to settlements, so the prosecution rate for criminal offenses is high, and minor offenses such as violations of the Anti-nuisance Ordinance are often not prosecuted, citing “cultural differences” and other reasons. Hate increases because minor crimes are overlooked. Even if they violate the anti-nuisance ordinance, they should be deported.
The crazy internet patriots make a fuss just to make a little money from their reviews, then when they get it so bad that they regulate it with laws, they just keep quiet, and the locals are left helpless and overrun, and it’s the same old pattern, it’s all over now.
Kawaguchi City will have to be a test case (sacrifice). If the Japanese and Kurds can build a friendly town in Kawaguchi without any problems, the prejudice from other regions will probably disappear.