A research group including Kitano Hospital (Osaka City) and Kyoto University Hospital (Kyoto City) will begin clinical trials in September to develop a “tooth regrowth drug” to treat patients with congenital edentulism, a condition in which they are born with few teeth. First, safety was confirmed by administering the drug to healthy adult males who had lost their back teeth. The treatment’s effectiveness will then be verified on children with edentulism, with the aim of commercializing it around 2030. Patients with congenital anedentulism account for approximately 1% of the population, and it is estimated that one in 1,000 people have a genetic condition in which six or more teeth are missing. There is no fundamental treatment, and in the case of children, their dentures will need to be continually remade as they grow. The research group discovered a protein called “usag-1” that inhibits teeth growth. They have developed a drug that blocks this function and administered it to mice and dogs with congenital edentulism, and confirmed that this caused teeth to grow. *For more information, please see the following source: 8/23 (Fri) 13:56 Jiji Press.
>>1 This diagram is easy to understand. It’s amazing how it makes the buds that could become teeth bloom (grow teeth)! www.asahicom.jp/imgopt/img/e78b715dec/comm/as20240502003208.jpg (Asahi Shimbun).
The roots of teeth are there even before we’re born, so how can they grow without that? Stop trying to act all baldy. They’ll grow even without smooth hair roots. Good for you bald guys. Teeth will grow in your head LOL.
If you don’t keep using hair growth medicine, whether it’s oral or topical, your baldness will return. I wish they’d make a medicine that cures baldness from the root. I’m a pretty good-looking guy if I had hair.
>Discovery of a protein called “usag-1” that inhibits teeth growth. If they develop a drug that blocks that function, will it affect other organs? Well, I guess they’ll find out soon.
It’s a dream come true. But the drug is so strong that it can even regrow lost teeth. The side effects are scary. The people taking part in clinical trials are amazing.
>>48 Schopenhauer says that health is 90% of happiness. If you had to choose between being one-legged or bedridden but extremely rich and having all your limbs and a normal life, the latter would be happier.