The loneliness of unmarried men at age 50 is more serious than that of unmarried women...The sad circumstances of unmarried middle-aged seniors who continue to work after retirement until they die.
*Published on 9/14 (Sat) 10:32 the gold online According to the “Demographic Statistics Collection” of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the “unmarried rate at age 50” in 2020 (Reiwa 2) was 28.3% for men and 17.8% for women, and is showing an increasing trend year by year. If the number of people getting married does not increase in the future, the number of unmarried middle-aged and senior single-person households is expected to increase. In this article, Akiko Kojima, Specialist at the Center for Emergence Strategy at the Japan Research Institute, explains the career attitudes of unmarried middle-aged and senior people based on specific survey results. Middle-aged, unmarried men have less contact with friends than unmarried women When middle-aged, unmarried people were asked about the number of friends they had, the most common answer for “friends 10 years or more younger than them” was “0,” accounting for roughly 60% of the total. When comparing by gender, the most common answer for “0 friends who are 10 years or more younger” was “0,” with 66.8% of men and 59.6% of women choosing this option. On the other hand, when asked about “friends I can talk to about my worries,” the most common answer among men (50.4%) was “0 people,” while the most common answer among women (42.0%) was “2 to 3 people.” When asked how often they “eat together” with various people, the most common answer for “family” was “every day,” at about 30%. As for other people, the most common answer was “not at all,” followed by “acquaintances from work (excluding coworkers)” at around 60%, “friends from school days” or “friends from after entering the workforce” at around half, and “people from the local area” at around 90%. Comparing the results by gender, it appears that when it comes to “friends from school days” and “friends from after entering the workforce,” women tend to have more people with whom they eat together than men, and they do so somewhat more frequently. Continue reading below.
>>4 If you are currently unmarried, there is a possibility that you will get married in the future so I think you will be happier than if you were unmarried for life.
Aren’t 50-year-olds part of the bubble generation? It’s the generation that has the easiest time passing exams in Japan, has the most fun in Japan, has the easiest time finding a job in Japan, and is the richest in Japan. Why aren’t they married? I find it hard to understand.
>>6 I was a civil servant for 4 years during the bubble. After it burst, I took the university entrance exams with the second wave of baby boomers. I graduated at the beginning of the ice age. But I was in a professional job and the industry bubble lasted for 25 years. I’m a Heiwa-jo who works when I want, quits when I want, and has fun. I guess it’s the same to work until you die while having fun sometimes.
I’m 50 years old and I’ve been approached by a single woman my age at work, but I’m not sure what to do. I’d rather spend my time with a pet than with her, but I’m also worried about what might happen if I’m not healthy.
>>16 You have plenty of connections, like your kids’ club activities or local government officials, right? But you’re a single NEET and don’t have any at all.
>>16 It’s not that you can do it because you’re married, but I think it’s more that people who can build relationships can get married. Also, when you have kids, you’ll have more connections at kindergarten and so on, because the age range there is wider.
I’m a loner, but I bought my own house, I retired early to indulge in my hobbies, and occasionally take aimless train trips for days to relax. If I had a wife and kids, I think I’d still be working hard and wearing myself out physically and mentally.
>>17 I feel the same way now. I’m 50 and I’m thinking I could quit in about 5 years, so I’m still working as a salaryman, but I think I’d collapse if I had any pressure.
“Being single in your 50s” and “Continuing to work until you die” don’t go hand in hand, but rather than being single, isn’t it more dangerous for someone to build up assets that require them to continue working until they die?
That’s what NISA is for. By investing all the money you would have given to your wife and kids and increasing it, you can avoid having to work until you die.
0033Anonymous hoping for beautiful girls and romance on PS5.Sep. 15, 2024 (Sun) 15:18:44.93ID:oDAGV4mr0
The illusion that if you get married you won’t be lonely.
>>39 If you’re single and you live on the national pension, you can’t live lavishly even if you own a house. You can only rely on a pension if you’ve received the Employees’ Pension Insurance for over 20 years and have an annual income of over 10 million yen.