1Capital Region Tiger ★.Nov. 6, 2024 (Wed) 09:51:56.32ID:SHRog12m9
There is a strong possibility that the number of births this year will fall below 700,000 for the first time. According to the vital statistics (approximate figures) released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on the 5th, the number of babies born in the first half of 2024 (January to June) was only 329,998, a 6.3% decrease from the same period last year. Foreigners are not included. In addition to the trend of people remaining unmarried or marrying later in life due to diversifying values, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the number of people refraining from marriage and childbirth, which is thought to have accelerated the decline in the birthrate. For the full text, see the source. Last updated: 11/6 (Wed) 0:54 ★1 2024/11/05 (Tue) 18:26:50.51 Previous thread.
>>1 After the attack on former Prime Minister Abe, suddenly measures to combat the declining birthrate and matchmaking events started to be held here and there. It’s obvious from which country the instructions to make Japan a country with a declining birthrate came. Not to mention, there’s no doubt that it’s still affecting the government’s child-rearing-related work. This influence can only be reversed over decades, and it must be done immediately.
Talking to her is harassment Asking if she has a partner is harassment Worrying about her is harassment Approaching her is harassment How is a man supposed to propose marriage to the woman he loves in a world like this? Answer me! Give me an answer.
So Japan was originally a poor country with a population of about 60 million. It just experienced a massive population increase and economic development after the war. It’ll just go back to being the country it was before, no problem.
>>6 Our bodies are made for poverty. We can’t even gain weight. We’d get diabetes and die from eating too many calories. We weren’t a calorie-happy country.
In this day and age, is it worth paying a lot of money to have your child take the junior high school entrance exam and go to a combined junior and senior high school?
>>13 No way. Even if you try to push your child’s academic ability and skills to improve, it will only make things harder for them when they become adults.
Japan has too many people, so it would be good to have a lower birthrate. In terms of habitable land area, the ideal population for Japan is around 30 million.
The unprecedented measures to combat the declining birthrate (reducing it further and further) are starting to have an effect. Kissy likes raising taxes, but isn’t the promotion of the declining birthrate something to be praised for?
Is it better for everyone to be single? As I get older, I start to feel anxious just when my family goes out. If I collapsed here, no one would find me and it would be too late and I would die.
If we seriously abolish the work style reform, more people will get married and have children. It used to be normal to have a regular job and earn extra money by working other jobs at night or on weekends during recessions or when bonuses were insufficient. This is no longer possible, and people other than civil servants and those working for large companies can only get by on below-average annual salaries. It’s only natural that people won’t have children, as they will have to give up something that inevitably costs money. If we abolish the work style reform and allow unlimited side jobs, things will improve somewhat.
Human history has progressed so far that I guess it’s the law of nature that women are starting to rebel and say, “I’m not a baby-making machine!” If things continue like this, humanity will probably go extinct. Well, it doesn’t really matter to us since we don’t have much time left.
>>34 Men have sexual desires and no interest in children Women have no sexual desires and are interested in children These two combine to produce children …or so they thought Men release their sexual desires at sugar daddy brothels Women are more interested in work and showing off on social media, so they’re no longer interested in children Well, that’s fine There’s no happiness that’s better than not having children anyway In the end.
GDP ranking 3rd place Germany 4.46 trillion dollars 4th place Japan 4.2 trillion dollars Annual working hours 2nd place Germany (1,388 hours) 16th place Japan (1,735 hours) 2023 births Germany (84 million) 690,000 births Japan (123 million) 720,000 births Inferior race.
If they have children, they will have a mortgage of tens of millions of yen, they will need at least 20 million yen for each child’s upbringing, and it is even said that they will need 40 million yen for their own retirement.
Japan’s total population in 2050 will be 100 million. Of these 100 million, 80% will be middle-aged or older, making it a country dominated by middle-aged people. In 2050, the population of young people aged 0 to 29 will be just 23,771,000, making Japan an outdated country.