
Local area.

[Robot] 92 yen per hour? A cat-shaped restaurant food serving robot is next, a penguin-shaped one aimed at high-end restaurants

0001Milk toast★.Sep. 13, 2024 (Fri) 09:35:07.47ID:bpByQbP59The Japanese subsidiary of Pudu Robotics, a Chinese company k...
Local area.

Saitama City’s “After-school Children’s Place Project” recruits after-school care staff who “take responsibility for children’s lives” through a “part-time job app,” with no CV submission or interview required.

0001Boiled eggs★.Sep. 13, 2024 (Fri) 11:27:11.05ID:C7xrTTm09The job posting on the "part-time job app" was for a childca...
Local area.

Saitama City’s “After-school Children’s Place Project” recruits after-school care staff who “take responsibility for children’s lives” through a “part-time job app,” with no CV submission or interview required.

In progress...

Subsidies proposed for the mass production of lightweight, bendable next-generation solar cells...Japan is a major resource producer of iodine, the main raw material.

0001Aroma roasted ★.Sep. 12, 2024 (Thu) 05:12:15.71ID:O4rM517Z9The government has announced the outline of a strategy to...
Japanese economy

“I can still work even after I’m over 80,” says 70% of seniors in a private survey about their true feelings about work.

0001Mr.Shoko★.Sep. 12, 2024 (Thu) 06:45:06.75ID:M0MkbXWx9*Survey date: end of August"I can work even if I’m over 80" - P...

[What is this?] South Korea’s Samsung Electronics stock price plummets. A comedy of “executives buying back their own shares” as market capitalization of 83.5 trillion evaporates

0001Insect encyclopedia ★.Sep. 11, 2024 (Wed) 13:55:28.26ID:GtkiasEuThe stock price of South Korean company Samsung Elec...
Japanese economy

The OECD criticizes the Japanese government for investing so much in the elderly. Why declining birthrates are no excuse.

0001Capital Region Tiger ★.Sep. 11, 2024 (Wed) 10:51:49.19ID:0VS16qF69On September 10, the OECD (Organization for Econom...
Global Economy

China’s deflationary spiral enters dangerous new phase early action may be needed.

0001paradise★.Sep. 10, 2024 (Tue) 12:12:18.96ID:Pd84f3dc9Continuing deflationary pressures in China are now starting to ...
Japanese economy

[URGENT] Welfare assistance has been driving the economy like crazy...Osaka Prefecture alone has seen an economic impact of hundreds of millions of yen and created 20,000 jobs.

0001Anonymous @ Teary-eyed. (Zipangu) .Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 20:51:14.10ID:7mLgsrMm0●In principle, it is forbidden to save ...

The Digital Agency claims to have reduced operational costs by 30%, but in reality they are 2 to 4 times higher... According to a person involved, “80% of AWS is unnecessary for Japanese local governments” Ogura Kenichi .

0001Mr.Shoko★.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 14:30:13.57ID:5GemN5z/9The Digital Agency claims to reduce operational costs by 30%, bu...

A chain of assumptions and leaving it to subcontractors...TEPCO “We didn’t check it ourselves”...Why did the mistake happen when removing debris from Fukushima Daiichi?

0001@Old Man Friends Club ★.Sep. 6, 2024 (Fri) 14:48:38.10ID:Ih/NynDH9On the 5th, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) r...

[MLB] Is Shohei Ohtani a “burden”? Ito En’s quarterly financial results show a big drop in profits, not just due to rising raw material costs, but also due to a major campaign with advertising expenses of 3.4 billion yen.

0001Green onion udon★.Sep. 5, 2024 (Thu) 11:43:13.41ID:1EIqOgXp9The advertising industry is in shock. Ito En, a major be...