Fraud When making a cashless payment, a “screenshot of someone else” is shown to the store clerk. Even experts are surprised by the methods and countermeasures used by fraudsters, calling it a “major blind spot.”
A male office worker was arrested for allegedly showing other people’s electronic money payment screens and defrauding them of goods. It is believed that criminal organizations have misused the familiar payment method of cashless payment, so we asked experts about their methods and countermeasures. Takuma Hayashi (36), an office worker from Saitama Prefecture, was sent to prosecutors on the morning of the 16th on suspicion of fraud for allegedly presenting someone else’s electronic money payment screen and defrauding a camera at an electronics retail store in Nagoya City on the 14th. According to investigators, what Hayashi showed to the clerk at the register was a photograph, or “screenshot,” of the barcode payment screen. When a payment app is launched, there is usually a limit to the time that the barcode can be used, but Hayashi is believed to have received a screenshot of the screen from his instructor and shown it when making the payment, thereby defrauding customers of merchandise worth over 10 million yen. It is not clear which payment apps are believed to have been misused, but an expert on cashless payments noted the following, saying it was the first time he had heard of it. *Please see the full article at the following source: 2024/08/16 21:06 Tokai TV.
>>46 He’s quoting things that don’t make sense, so he’s just a troll lol >>61 Even if something like that were implemented, it wouldn’t solve the crime… you’re a lunatic.
I wonder if it’s a payment method that’s not a barcode payment but is processed only by the cash register. If that’s the case, it would be hard to notice at a glance.
What would happen if a payment app was given a feature that took and sent screenshots intermittently for a certain period of time when it was launched?