According to the preliminary balance of payments statistics for August released by the Ministry of Finance on the 8th, the balance of services was a deficit of 104.9 billion yen. This is the fifth consecutive month of losses. The travel balance recorded its largest surplus since 1996, the first comparable month for August, due to the increase in inbound tourism (foreign visitors to Japan), but the “digital deficit” due to payments for digital services overseas has been expanding compared to the previous year. The current account balance is made up of the exchange of goods and services with other countries, and investments with foreign countries. (Source below) October 8, 2024, 17:00.
>>1 Japan is a strange country that is super addicted to the internet (smartphones) yet is far behind the top countries in IT business. Even 5ch here is foreign capital, so it’s definitely contributing to the outflow of money. It’s hilarious that even self-proclaimed patriots, the right-wing netizens, are making full use of foreign platforms and tools to spread their own opinions that Japan is amazing.
>>2 That’s it. Donations to Microsoft, such as operating system royalties and Adobe fees, and donations to Twitter and Facebook. Cloud donations ai donations.
If the Digital Tribute Office provides the budget, we’ll buy good stuff! If the merchants don’t say so first, there’s no way they’ll even take a step forward in talking about technology.
Black ink lol Red ink lol Incomprehensible That crappy math is meaningless How can you call your black ink a black ink? LOLOLOLOLOL It’s practically meaningless lol Will that make the whole of Japan tax-free? Huh? That’s rubbish math lol.
Before 1995, when there was almost nothing digital or communication,
many people were stable, wealthy, and everyone had time and energy. I miss that time. The more digital things proliferate, the more crazy the world is becoming.
I’m not sure if this is consistent with the article, but the causes of the growing deficit in the service balance in recent years are
– Sales and purchases of website advertising space, etc. – Copyright fees (license fees, etc.) – Software contract development fees, cloud service fees, etc.
No? If the government, or the people, or the people through the government, put up the money, that industry will flourish, and eventually it will beat the rest of the world and make Japan a wealthy country. There is such a legend in Japan, and people also believe in it, and the government and others are working hard every day to make it a reality. nhk!nhk!.
The weak yen has caused foreign companies to raise the prices of their content, increasing their losses. Japan has no choice but to produce it domestically.
I see, Japanese lawmakers will have no choice but to stage a stunt in front of the Prime Minister’s residence, smashing Apple products with hammers lol.
Well, if this country goes digital, we’ll end up having to pay more and more money lol. And it seems we’ll have to pay by selling cheap yen, making it even weaker lol.
>>40 The cloud is amazing. A while ago, when Microsoft announced that they would reduce the proportion of their operating system and place more emphasis on the cloud, I thought that this was the end of Microsoft, but that’s not the case at all.
When I remember back when I used to say that if you’re not confident, the iPhone is better, and that Apple is in charge of the UI, it must be better, I realize that the Japanese side of the divide is larger than I imagined.
Before the war, we relied on America for oil, but then we upset America, and when they cut off our oil supply, we went to Indonesia to steal oil, and now our digital services overseas are cut off. I wonder what they’ll do. Well, I don’t think that’ll happen. The Japanese Prime Minister could just bow down to the head of GAFAM.
>>46 Things like this never come into Japan, they just go out. I’m not good at anything related to IT, or rather, I ended up failing it. The arrest of Kaneko was the final blow.