0001Tiger of the Capital Region ★Jul. 12, 2024 (Fri) 14:09:12.26ID:F0oHnqsP9
The Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) announced that the average summer bonus for major companies is 983,112 yen, the highest amount since 1981, based on its calculations so far.
According to a Keidanren survey, the average summer bonus for approximately 506,000 employees of 97 major companies for which data could be collected as of the 12th was 983,112 yen.
Well, considering that the National Tax Agency is involved, is it okay to say that there was no falsification? But… When I think about our country’s economy and remember the appointment of the National Tax Agency Commissioner under Abe… Why not have the prosecutors investigate this for a while?
Is the average for most small and medium-sized companies around 150,000? If we don’t limit subcontractor bullying and multiple subcontracting, the gap will only get bigger and bigger, and we’ll end up like China in the future.
The big companies work hard and earn their own income, so there’s nothing wrong with high salaries. And in addition to that, the trashy civil servants are unproductive and are giving out huge bonuses, which is why Japan is going to be destroyed!!!!!!
>>15 It’s just the big companies, with Toyota at the forefront, that are taking the middle man out. The wages of the big companies should really be passed on to subcontractors.
>>15 Even if you say “effort,” you mean the effort to cheat and increase profits. When will they get found out and get fired, or become criminals? It’s not worth it for employees of large companies to cheat while spinning Russian roulette, even if they get an increased bonus. But there are a lot of people who want to join large companies without being able to do that kind of calculation, so from the company’s perspective, they’re happy to have so many disposable pieces coming in.
So you guys are just announcing benefits like beggars. What have you done to help the economy recover? Don’t talk like it’s your own achievement, you scum of the beggar culture. Even with the Nippon Steel incident, you’re always doing unnecessary things to make America wary that you might be deceiving them, but on the contrary. What is it for Japan’s sake? If it’s for Japan’s sake, you should just step aside so that American dignitaries don’t suspect you, just be honest. Seriously, no joke, you guys haven’t done anything to help Japan’s economy recover, even though you’re so desperate to force Korean culture on the Japanese.
I’m a high school graduate, but I’ve been working as a full-time employee at a listed company for 15 years as a local recruit. My summer bonus was 1.28 million yen.
Money has the tendency to gravitate towards cheerful and positive people. Only the god of poverty comes to a gloomy old man who posts nasty things about Abe on the internet every day.