0001Capital Region Tiger ★.Oct. 25, 2024 (Fri) 08:09:22.32ID:bpkja+0j9
F&M Net conducted a questionnaire survey on workplace stress for its business media aimed at management departments, “Rodomu Search.” 300 men and women aged 20 and over responded. The top cause of stress in the workplace is “relationships with superiors” First, when asked if they feel stressed at work, 47.3% answered “sometimes,” 30.0% answered “frequently,” and 18.3% answered “occasionally,” meaning that a total of 95.6% feel stressed. When asked what specific situations they feel stressed in, 19.7% answered “relationships with superiors,” followed by 15.3% who answered “relationships with colleagues and subordinates,” and 15.0% who answered “heavy workload.” Approximately 72% “considered changing jobs due to workplace stress.” Does workplace stress affect your ability to concentrate or perform at work? When asked whether workplace stress affects their ability to concentrate or perform at work, 54.4% answered “it affects me somewhat,” followed by 30.3% who answered “it affects me a lot.” In total, 84.7% of people answered that it would have an impact. When asked if they had ever considered changing jobs due to workplace stress, 72.0% of people answered “yes.” For the full text, see source. Last updated: 10/25 (Fri) 8:01.
– Resignation must be notified at least 3 months in advance – Resignation must be approved by your direct supervisor and executives – Resignation notice must be submitted on a form specified by the company – Resignation agents are not permitted – Paid leave use or purchase upon resignation is not permitted – Resignation documents must be picked up by the employee in person (not sent by mail) – Resignation will be postponed if the resigning employee’s work handover is not completed by the time of resignation – New graduates must bring in a replacement employee if they resign within six months So it’s a white-collar company where no one resigns.
Even if you change jobs because of interpersonal relationships, it won’t really solve the problem. The best thing to do is to earn money with your own abilities or not work at all. If that doesn’t work, change yourself.
When you go fishing and face off with fish, you forget about all the human relationships. I don’t know what it’s like to go fishing with a group of people. It might be fine to go by bicycle, motorbike, or solo camping.
It’s hard being an incompetent person. If you start your own business you can work however you like and keep all the profits for yourself, but if you’re incompetent you can’t do that.
The employer is at too much of a disadvantage, so the law should be amended so that if you file more than 3 months before you retire you get 100% of your salary, if you file between 1 month and 3 months you get 75% of your salary, and if you file less than 1 month you only get 50% of your salary in the final month.
In the field of nursing and caregiving, 80% of the reason for quitting is interpersonal relationships. In the end, civil servant-type employment where you can’t quit is the best fit for Japanese people. If you can’t quit, the only option is to raise the child. The birth rate for civil servants is 1.6%, so it’s a white-collar workplace where they can live a decent life. The private companies that Koizumi reformed to increase the number of non-regular workers were the problem. I haven’t seen Takenaka lately, has he run away?
Changing jobs without headhunting or other steps up often has negative results. If you talk to your boss and get ignored in a big company, you can make a big deal out of it and complain to the union, but it takes a lot of effort, so I understand why you might want to quit. I understand, but there is a way.
One of the most surprising things that puts a real strain on industries like the transportation and taxi industries is human relationships. All of them.
If remote work increases, public transportation will be filled with foreigners, and public safety will probably get even worse. Isn’t it about time that station staff were allowed to carry stun guns?
When someone gets sick and is hospitalized and it becomes clear that the company can function without him, I am the source of pressure to make him quit.
I think the top reason for changing jobs in America is also “relationship with boss.” If you don’t get along with your boss, your salary won’t increase and they won’t give you work that will lead to career advancement.