0001Capital Region Tiger ★.Jul. 26, 2024 (Fri) 19:27:11.60ID:HD99nzXo9
A survey by an international NGO revealed that the top 1% of the world’s wealthiest people have increased their assets by 42 trillion dollars, or more than 6400 trillion yen, over the past 10 years. On the 25th, the international NGO Oxfam announced that the world’s top 1% of wealthy people have increased their assets by more than 6400 trillion yen over the past 10 years, which is approximately 34 times the assets held by the bottom 50% of the world. Oxfam published the analysis ahead of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting in Brazil, saying “inequality has reached alarming levels.” For the full text, see source. Last updated: 7/26 (Fri) 19:21.
They can get information faster than anyone else, so they’re sure to win no matter what they do. What the wealthy do is draw ignorant ordinary people into their information warfare and thoroughly rip them off. That’s when they use their political power.
For us poor people, the key is to not place value in money, and to stop working. We should enjoy our special skills and hobbies that allow us to gain superiority, and good-looking guys should keep on hitting on guys, and women should keep on spreading their legs for good-looking guys.
Several Nobel Prize-winning scholars in economics have concluded that neoliberalism failed because trickle-down economics did not occur, yet the Liberal Democratic Party government is lagging behind and trying to accelerate neoliberalism.
The assets of the wealthy as a whole, such as their market capitalization, are increasing, but the assets of capitalists are decreasing. If stocks fall, something like market capitalization becomes nonexistent.
>>36 > Will this cause hyperinflation if you spend it generously? No, you need to convert your stock holdings into cash before that happens, so at that point cash will disappear from the market in large quantities, and there will be a massive deflation lol If you use that cash to buy a lot, there will be a shortage of goods, and there will be a massive inflation, so in the end it will fluctuate wildly and the result will be the same Then when you dispose of your stocks, the stock price will collapse, and the assets of the wealthy will plummet lol If the holder doesn’t release the stock, it will be priced high due to its scarcity, so it only makes the holder’s assets look huge If you release it, it will lose its scarcity and crash, so you can’t sell it.
95% of the assets of the top 1% should be confiscated and in exchange they should be given eternal honor. This would also solve the problem of inflation and expanding government debt.