Businessman Hiroyuki Nishimura (47) updated his YouTube channel on the 3rd. I gave a direct answer to the question, “Is it okay to continue with NISA?” The Nikkei Stock Average closed at 35,909.70 yen on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the 2nd, down 2,216.63 yen from the previous day. In terms of the closing price decline, this was the second largest in history, after the 3,836.48 yen drop on October 20, 1987, the day after “Black Monday.” With reports of a slump in market prices around the world, a viewer asked, “Is it okay to continue with NISA?” to which Hiroyuki immediately replied, “Yes, it’s okay.” “For example, people who bought the S&P 500 30 years ago saw their stock prices increase tenfold. Even if the benchmark price becomes 80% or 50%, if you look at it over a 10-year period, it will go up and down but will still be on an upward trend. “Basically, I think people who invest in American or global funds will be fine,” he said, expressing his own opinion. August 4, 2024 16:04 Sponichi Annex.
America is currently in the midst of a hyperinflation bubble, and when it bursts we could easily be down to minus 10,000, and we’re just starting to see that happen.
>>3 Young people have been told many times to stay away from these nice old people I guess what they’re really saying is that they should be careful because they’re a bit of a scam.
>>3 There’s still quite a bit of space left until the upper limit so you can do some averaging down or whatever This should be considered the best time to buy.
Hiroyuki is right about this. It’s important to let your NISA savings sit for decades. Japan is late in educating people about investments. I wish they’d started earlier.
If the expected increase in stock prices over 30 years is 10 times, there is a possibility that it will only increase to 1/10 of that amount. These are the risks listed in the investment trust prospectus. The important thing is how you construct your financial asset portfolio, and I think a good idea is 1/3 in deposits, 1/3 in bonds, and 1/3 in Orkan. The expected return is around 3%, and it would be good if we could achieve the inflation rate plus 1%.
>>22 If it’s been rising for decades, will it continue to rise for decades to come? If it rose yesterday, will it rise tomorrow? If it rose in the past week, will it rise in the next week? Are you stupid?
I don’t know if it will be profitable in the end, but it’s pointless to think about the ups and downs of an accumulation fund. The people who are really in trouble this time are those who buy stocks on credit, like me.
Those who have joined the new NISA have only been saving for about six months. The bargain sale has already started, so why would they think about stopping? Have they been diagnosed with an illness and only a year left to live?
I think a lot of people who are selling US indexes now are more concerned about exchange rates than stock prices. They bought at the high price of 160 yen around June.
>>1 Has this guy ever been in the top 10, or even the top 100, in stock investing? It’s stupid to ask someone who hasn’t. Is that the kind of person who gets the coronavirus vaccine because the government tells them to, even though they’re healthy, young, and not obese or have any underlying conditions?