Will Iwate Prefecture, where the minimum wage is 893 yen, be able to give up its status as the lowest in the country?The governor himself has requested a revision to the labor bureau director.
0001Capital Region Tiger ★.Jul. 29, 2024 (Mon) 09:00:13.80ID:XutZVPRk9
In Iwate Prefecture, where the minimum wage is the lowest in the country at 893 yen, attention is focused on the outcome of minimum wage revisions. On the 5th of this month, the Iwate Labor Bureau (Director Awamura Katsuyuki) consulted the Iwate Regional Minimum Wage Council (Chairman: Maruyama Jin, Professor at Iwate University) on revising the minimum wage. Following the guideline for the revision amount that the Central Minimum Wage Council will present at the end of July, what revision amount will the Iwate Regional Minimum Wage Council present in its report at the end of August? The prefecture and the prefectural assembly are also working actively to rid the prefecture of its status as the “sole lowest in the nation.” ■Wage disparity with neighboring prefectures On May 29th of this year, Governor Takuya Tasso visited Director Awamura at the Iwate Labor Bureau to directly request revisions to the Iwate Prefecture minimum wage for fiscal year 2024. According to the prefecture, this is the first time that the governor himself has visited the Iwate Labor Bureau to make a direct request regarding a minimum wage revision. For the full text, see source. Last updated: July 27th (Sat) 19:30.
>>1 Even if the minimum wage is low, the taxes are the same. Thank you, Liberal Democratic Party! Thank you, Unification Church! Thank you, Bank of Japan!
>>1 Even if we forcefully raise the minimum wage, it will make people less employable and will only increase the number of unemployed people during recessions. The minimum wage doesn’t need to be a living wage, it should be a level that startups and self-employed people can afford to employ.
>>4 This Or a pointless wage increase of just 1 yen more A really Japanese, cunning, meaningless thing to do Try raising it by about 50 yen more than the others all at once.
This time, the Central Minimum Wage Council has set a target of raising the minimum wage by 50 yen nationwide, so 950 yen will probably be the lowest in the country. A full reduction would make it 953 yen.