Japan becomes a popular travel destination with a Big Mac costing just 480 yen – McDonald’s in Japan is cheaper than in Romania, one of the poorest countries in Europe [9 14].

Japanese economy
0001@Masked Unider ★.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:27:06.12ID:/kQRvYXN(1/5)
When these figures are converted into a pie chart, the decline in China and the increase in South Korea are again noticeable (Figure 3). The decline in Chinese visitors may be due in part to the fact that group travel restrictions were not lifted until August 2023, and that relations between the two countries were not particularly good at the time, as the country was opposed to the release of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. It is difficult to make predictions because national policies have a large impact, but the key to inbound tourism to Japan, or in other words, the success or failure of Japan as a tourism-based nation, lies in China’s actions. During the Chinese New Year season in February 2024, the number of Chinese individual travelers increased significantly, but the number of visitors to Japan was still only about 459,500, about 60% of the number in 2019, and the long holiday did not help matters. ・Will inbound tourism from China return?
When watching TV programs and other interviews with foreign visitors to Japan who are enjoying their trips to the “weak yen” Japan, the trigger is often anime or Japanese food such as sushi or ramen that they ate in their home country. And they are thrilled to be introduced to “authentic” Japanese food. Or they become captivated by 24-hour convenience stores with a wide selection of products, a wide variety of vending machines, and punctual and comfortable Shinkansen trains. Seeing this makes me feel proud as a Japanese person. But there’s a more serious side to it. Needless to say, this is the result of the weak yen. ・The biggest reason why Japan is chosen as a travel destination
Check the exchange rate before COVID-19 and in 2019. The exchange rate for one US dollar rose from approximately 111 yen in March of that year to 159 yen (June 2024). The yen has weakened by 30.2%. American tourists who previously paid 1,110 yen for an item for $10 can now get it for around $6.98. Plus, if you were to buy the same thing in the US (if at all), it would likely cost you around $20-30. If it’s a product that you don’t mind having in large quantities of, you can buy three or four of something that you would normally only need one of. The same goes for transportation and accommodation costs. Changes in exchange rates are not limited to the US dollar. Over the same period, the euro has fallen from 125-126 yen to 170 yen, the Singapore dollar from 80 yen to 118 yen, and the South Korean won from 0.10 yen to 0.11-0.12 yen. While the decline in the South Korean won rate is a little more moderate, other currencies have also recorded similar depreciation of the yen. According to the Big Mac Index, which is often used for international price comparisons (an index used to gauge the prices and economic strength of different countries by comparing the prices of McDonald’s Big Macs available around the world), the price in Japan for January 2024 is US$3.04. This is far behind South Korea’s $4.11 and Thailand’s $3.78. The country closest to Japan is Vietnam at $3.01. China’s is higher than Japan’s ($3.47), and even Romania, long known as one of the poorest countries in Europe, is higher than Japan’s ($3.42). At first glance, it sounds like good news to us living here that McDonald’s products are cheaper than in the Middle East or Latin America. However, we are so accustomed to high prices in Japan that not many people think of a Big Mac as “cheap!” Japan has now become a “cheap” country compared to not only Europe and the United States, but also Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. It is not necessarily because Japan is attractive that it is bustling with inbound tourists, but what will happen if the exchange rate suddenly fluctuates in favor of the yen? Various simulations need to be carried out. By the way, the Big Mac Index is based on prices at a certain point in time, so in reality the gap may be even larger. ・What costs 100 yen at a Japanese shop is 300 yen in Australia
Takashi Sata
Full text from source
Published on Shueisha Online 9/13 (Fri) 8:02.

日本が外国人から旅行先に選ばれる最大の理由…「ビッグマックがたった480円」欧州最貧国グループのルーマニアよりもマクドナルドが安く食べられる日本の現状(集英社オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース
0046Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:39:16.54ID:QIuSL43q
If we don’t bring in foreign workers because of the weak yen, there will be a labor shortage, and incomes will double and we will achieve high economic growth, but that’s not what the media wants. Still, they are linking the depreciation of their own currency to Abenomics, right?
How long are they going to keep on being Abe-gari? The inaction against inflation caused by the depreciation of the domestic currency is the fault of Kishida and the finance bureaucrats,
so how long will the media continue to be so out of touch with the world? Ah, is it on purpose?
0094Jun-chan ◆asktdkpu.d7f.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 05:56:40.06ID:wrrHySh1(1/134)
Japan has become poor.
0003Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:34:06.60ID:l/PTSfrW
I usually spend about 1000 to 2000 yen at Burger King, is there anything I can do about it?
0004Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:36:20.26ID:CrxnnOic
It’s strange that the Big Mac was more expensive when it was 100 yen!
0005Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:37:03.65ID:5L8xSoXr
Thank you so much Abe Chon.
0006Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:42:07.63ID:t4WMKfyf(1/2)
You have to compare it using the Engel coefficient.
0007Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:42:14.86ID:Nuyl2PAC
The result of trying to maintain international competitiveness by keeping national income down, but maybe it’s fine if they continue to operate as a tourist country.
0009Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:44:00.13ID:fbcy1NYO
It seems like McDonald’s has always been more expensive in the poorest countries.
0011Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:46:04.64ID:AzblUBnp
Come to think of it, there was a time when a plain hamburger cost around 70 yen, which was practically free.
0057Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 05:03:23.84ID:zAtgnWHF
I heard that trans fats were regulated worldwide, and Japanese people, who had no regulations against them, had to dispose of them as waste.
0012Divine sake@drunk ◆beer/gol3a.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:46:37.13ID:RHNVafm9
Aren’t airfares more expensive?
I don’t want to go all the way to Japan to go to McDonald’s.
0013Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:47:16.52ID:Ss6G4ubg(1/5)
Big Mac Index from Wikipedia

>It only has meaning in comparison with “how much the effective exchange rate is compared to the current exchange rate in a certain region.” Therefore, it is a mistake to list the price of a Big Mac in country A converted into dollars or yen and
>that of country B, and compare economic strength and prices, rather than evaluating the exchange rates.

0016Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:53:38.12ID:i17rYhmh(1/10)
Is there a problem with a cheap burger?
What’s the point of complaining if it’s expensive and complaining if it’s cheap?
0019Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:57:01.57ID:i17rYhmh(2/10)
Rice prices have gone up. Big Macs are cheap. They’re just complaining about whatever.
0021Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 03:59:57.26ID:W8g8PsJF
McDonald’s is a delicacy in other countries, but in Japan it’s junk food that only high school girls eat. That’s how high the level of Japanese food culture is.
0022Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:02:46.10ID:OCXt2nJn(1/11)
Don’t eat McDonald’s when you travel…
0023Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:03:58.71ID:Ss6G4ubg(2/5)
The fact that hamburgers made with imported flour and meat can be sold cheaply means that there is a supply route for them. If a country with no supply route for meat tried to make hamburgers from scratch, it would be very expensive.
0024Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:04:49.51ID:i17rYhmh(4/10)
In the end, the media just wants to bring in convenient indicators and say, “The Japanese government is to blame.”
0025Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:07:05.28ID:rcsOtWpF
The cost of raw materials is the same, so why is it cheaper? Because labor costs are cheaper. They say half of the cost of a product is labor.
0026Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:08:53.09ID:i17rYhmh(5/10)
In the first place, the Big Mac Index is one of those “crazy economic theories.”
0028Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:10:33.05ID:naQEZUgp
212 Horse racing is already like that Shogun@Tiger ◆beerjj8yso 2024/01/21(Sun) 08:14:57.92
If you ask the Japanese Communist Party for welfare, 99% of the time it will be approved. So, 10% of those receiving welfare are paid as a brokerage fee to the Japanese Communist Party (as a middleman), and in exchange for receiving welfare, they are required to distribute Red Flags. Not only do the Japanese Communist Party pay zero yen in personnel costs, but for each additional Communist Party welfare recipient, the party earns 11,000 yen in income. Really?
Is that so?
Hm! Huh?
0033Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:15:50.25ID:i17rYhmh(7/10)
What’s more, Akahata, the official journal of the Japanese Communist Party, is being sued by newspaper delivery workers for unpaid wages.
0030Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:11:43.72ID:Ss6G4ubg(3/5)
The price in a country is nothing more than a sales strategy. If there are many buyers, it can be cheaper, if there are few buyers, it can be more expensive. It makes no sense to convert something that you earn yen and pay in yen, or something that you earn euros and pay in euros, into dollars.
0031Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:13:09.08ID:g9jq9JCm
If you consider travel expenses, a Big Mac in Japan will be expensive. The Big Mac doesn’t really matter.
0032Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:15:08.92ID:A1Kv4aMk
Japan is already a developing country.
0034Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:16:58.86ID:i17rYhmh(8/10)
Whether a country is developed or developing is just a matter of how other countries view it, so it doesn’t really matter.
0035Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:17:03.17ID:ByanCwJr
Eastern Europe was thought of as poor after the collapse of communism, but there are countries there whose GDP per capita is now the same as Japan’s. Thirty years ago it was one-tenth of Japan’s.
0038Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:19:26.68ID:Ss6G4ubg(4/5)
McDonald’s consumers are almost all citizens of that country, so they forget that production and consumption are both local to that country, and it’s not an export.
0039Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:20:04.95ID:Ect+Qpxy(1/3)
Below Romania lol
How far has Japan fallen?
Developing countries below Romania should just get out of the G7
How embarrassing lol.
0041Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:24:13.17ID:tFvwP6eM
A Jap on the Philippine level.
0042Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:26:58.09ID:+BSr4ebF
The materials and sizes vary from country to country, so there is no comparison.
0044Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 14, 2024 (Sat) 04:32:02.90ID:BIGaAWTu
It’s just that the whole of Europe is dying from excessive inflation.
Reference: https://lavender.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1726252026

Other languages: 日本が旅行先に選ばれる「ビッグマックがたった480円」欧州最貧国グループのルーマニアよりもマクドナルドが安い[9/14], McDonald’s es más barato que Rumania, uno de los países más pobres de Europa, donde se elige Japón como destino de viaje “El Big Mac cuesta sólo 480 yenes”.


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