Ranjatai Kunizaki on Ito’s hiatus “I’m fine. “I don’t feel anything about it,” and fellow comedians also said that “no one is waiting” for Ito’s return.
9/3 (Tue) 19:20 distribution Kazuya Kunizaki (36) of the comedy duo “Ranjatai” appeared on the All Night Nippon podcast “Ranjatai Kunizaki Kazuya’s Legendary Lonely Group” (7:00 pm) on the 3rd. This was his first mention of his partner, Koji Ito (38), who announced he was taking a break from show business after having a relationship with an underage girl. Kunizaki began by explaining about the renewed program, saying, “Due to my partner Ito’s hiatus, from now on I will be presenting the program alone, with occasional guests.” And when the opening song started playing, he said, “It’s amazing. “Both this song and the title have brought about some twists in the plot,” he said. “There have been a lot of commotions going on at the moment, so even though I’m alone I’ll be speaking, and I hope to provide everyone with a fun and entertaining radio show,” she said again. After Ito’s hiatus, fans expressed concern. However, to this voice, Kunizaki replied, “I’m fine. I don’t think anything of it. It’s okay because I don’t think about it. When I heard about this commotion and when my manager told me about it, I thought “Well, then I can do that” or “Yay! I can do this,” and I thought about it a lot. However, almost everything went through the company’s filter and about 80% of it was rejected. “I wanted to do a lot of things,” he said, revealing that he was not worried about Ito’s hiatus. Related Ranjatai Kunizaki’s partner Ito’s return: “No one seems to be waiting for him” – what fellow comedians said about his hiatus 9/3 (Tue) 19:39 Dear Mr. After the incident, there was a joint live show with Yarens, and his manager told him that he would be performing alone. The manager reportedly had a nasal voice and was crying. Kunizaki recalled, “At that time, I was in the middle of making a huge flag with the word ’Lolita’ written in bold letters,” drawing laughter. Also, when he met up with Yarens at the live venue, the three of us talked about how a lot had happened. What’s amazing is that comedians don’t all ask, “Are you okay?” Like, “It’s over…” “He’s finished…” There was no defense and he just said, ’It’s over,’” he recalled of a conversation with a fellow comedian. He continued, “Comedians are a bit unique, in that they all tend to think the same way. What surprised me was that when the commotion broke and everyone was like, “Wow,” it seemed like they had some kind of memories or emotional attachment to it. “I did that with him.” It seemed like Ito-san wasn’t hanging out with anyone and no one had any attachment to him. Just let them know that I’m not waiting for anyone… “It seems like no one is waiting for me,” he said, laughing, making fun of Ito’s hiatus.
They didn’t continue to trust them as a duo, they didn’t apologize to the listeners on their behalf, and they certainly didn’t make fun of them by criticizing them. In all respects, both the ones who were suspended and the ones who stayed are trash.
>>17 He just doesn’t take the normal stage seriously, but if he’s told to do it properly, he can do it properly His talk is pretty funny But he likes crazy things, so you can hardly see him in a serious mode, so you’re right that he’s weak in the normal stage lol.
The manager reportedly had a nasal voice and was crying. At the time, Kunizaki said, “At that time, I was in the middle of making a huge flag with the word ’Lolicon’ written in bold letters.” A typical Kunizaki story.
My impression of Kunizaki has changed after reading his writing on note, and when I watch Talk Survivor, I can see that he’s good at taking pauses when talking about episodes.