Sakai Kazuki gives a blunt summary of the reason why people who are successful in the entertainment industry end up disappearing, even if they are Hagimoto Kinichi, “In the end...”
Hagimoto Kinichi, Kosaka Ikki introduces the reason why people who are popular in the entertainment industry disappear in one word “In the end…” 10/20 (Sun) 6:01 Nikkan Sports Talent Kosaka Ikki (68) appeared on the official YouTube channel of talent Sekine Tsutomu, “Sekine Tsutomu Channel”, which was updated by the 20th. Kinichi Hagimoto revealed the reasons why people who are successful in the entertainment industry can disappear. In this video, Sakai talks with Sekine about various celebrities. Sakai commented, “The other day I was thinking about this. I was talking with the chef (Kinichi Hagimoto) and he muttered something funny. When I asked him, “What do you think happens to people who become popular and then stop appearing?” he said, “Maybe they just have a bad personality.” (Hagimoto) “I don’t think I want to use him just because he’s good. Hagimoto introduced his unique way of thinking, saying, “He’s a good guy, so I want to call him.’’ Furthermore, Sakai introduced a comment made by singer Eikichi Yazawa, who said that he had spoken about a similar incident. “And what’s more, Nagachan (Yazawa) says different things during live performances and during recordings. “You know, there are people who I don’t get along with at all, who I don’t like, but if they can play it well, then it’s okay for us to record. But I can’t do it live. A live concert is only good if it’s with someone you love. He continued, “It doesn’t matter what the recording is like as long as you can play it well.’’ (※The rest is omitted, please see the source website for the full text. ).
>>1 >Hagimoto: “I’m good at it, so I don’t want to use it. “He’s a good guy, so I want to invite him.” This is why the Kinchan family is full of lukewarm people with little venom.
>>1 So it’s not based on ability or talent. It’s very Japanese and probably true, but I hate it. That’s exactly why Japanese TV and entertainment is not interesting, and it’s starting to be the same overseas these days.
>>3 Even though Bakusho Mondai is such a big star, they don’t play around with women or make fun of their juniors so they seem to have really good personalities.
>>4 I guess it’s also a sign of good character to realize that you can’t date girls in their twenties anymore and hang out with girls in their forties (who are still relatively young and are from the generation that watched you do your gory comedy routines in real time).
>>15 Comedians who can appear on TV for a long time even if they’re not that funny Hide-chan, Ucchan, Hamatanai-nai, Noritake They all have nice personalities.
Giant Baba once said, “People who are a little bit silly have it easier in this world.” I think that’s true. If you’re too nice, you won’t get ahead. However, if he is the scum of scum, he will disappear even from the world of professional wrestling.
Dave says he makes an effort to treat even the lowest-ranking staff members with courtesy. Because if they are disliked, when they get promoted and become important, they won’t be used anymore. I guess those who survive are the ones who think ahead.
>>40 If you can behave in a way that others see as good-natured, I think you have a good personality. As for what Dave said in >>37, I don’t know if he’s being honest or just hiding his embarrassment. In the end, you should only judge a person by their actions.
It’s because he says he has a good personality that things get out of hand. It’s easy to understand if you say you want to use someone who is always bowing down to you and being friendly.
>>47 It’s no use bowing down to Kin-chan. Kinchan also sees comedians acting superior to lower-level employees. Even if Kin-chan isn’t watching, it’s the same if someone close to Kin-chan is.