■Full Q&A with Saya Hiyama –What attracted you to Nishioka? [Hiyama] I was attracted to his cheerful personality, which values his family and friends. He has many attractive qualities that I don’t have, such as the strength to pursue what he believes is right and what he wants to do, and even in his private life he is kind enough to laugh and eat the food I have failed to cook. I got married because I felt that I could share the rest of my life with this person, both good and bad. –What are your thoughts about your future entertainment career? Please tell us if there are any challenges you would like to take on, or things you would like to become. [Hiyama] We received a lot of feedback from our fans that they wanted a community where they could interact with peace of mind, so we decided to establish a fan club (at the beginning of December). I want to continue to cherish the relationships I have with my fans. The challenge I want to take on is to weave words while marking every moment of my one and only life. While working as a voice announcer, I would be delighted to be able to write blogs and essays on social media and fan clubs, and to weave words together. -Finally, I would appreciate it if you could give a message to your fans. [Hiyama] To everyone who always supports me. I apologize that this news was reported before I could say anything. We were about to officially report the incident and had even decided on the date for doing so, but the news came out before that, which left us feeling confused. I received slanderous messages on social media from people who didn’t know much about me, and I wondered if that’s how some parts of the world view me…I was shocked because I had been telling people that I had a partner and was not engaging in any kind of flirting. However, everyone has their own way of thinking. Some people do see it that way, so I think it can’t be helped. Even in such circumstances, I was very happy to receive warm encouragement and kind messages from everyone. thank you very much. I couldn’t be happier if I had fans who understand me. We’ve caused a lot of trouble, but we will continue our activities, so we hope you will continue to support us! May your days be filled with peace and happiness. Oricon Previous thread Hiyama Saya announces her marriage: “I received slanderous messages on SNS” “I was not doing anything like flirting, so I’m shocked” [Hikari★].
>>1 Don’t blame it on the reports The anniversary is the day they got married They probably hid the announcement of their marriage and recruited fans In fact, they probably would have kept it a secret if the reports hadn’t come out This guy is no good as a person.
Proposal to amend Entertainment and Amusement Business Law to ban “sexual business” to be submitted to Diet next year, National Police Agency | NHK | Diet.
>>16 The women are stupid, so they continue to serve the men, but the hostesses who aren’t mentioned in this article are killed regularly, so it might be better to do something about them too.
Honestly, I think the husband should consider getting his wife some personal security. Women who make fun of weak, introverted men like this (or so they think) are regularly stabbed to death in revenge.
>>19 Riri-chan’s manual for girls who want to get laid 1. Make him commit to a trusting relationship 2. Make him fall in love with you harmlessly 3. Make him say “I want to help you” when he’s in trouble and earn money from him.
>>27 Watch Weather News live on YouTube, when a female newscaster is on She’ll make a noise that sounds like when you flip over a board that’s been left on damp soil lol.
Even if the person himself doesn’t mean to, in the end it’s those kinds of people that are drawn to him. Of course, the ones who are bad are the ones who slander, but you have to be careful how you handle them. It’s crisis management.
Mrs. Parker relied on fastballs and dangerous pitches, but this woman relies on curveballs and slowballs, so I think she’s troublesome in a different sense.
If she’s going to continue working, she should make money the right way. It would be fine if she just took money from random people before getting married and that was it.