In a case involving entertainer Masahiro Nakai (52) settling disputes with women for large settlement payments, the woman claims to have been sexually assaulted by Nakai, as learned in an interview by this newspaper on the 25th. The trouble began around June last year. Nakai contacted the woman, who was working at the broadcasting station at the time, and the two went out to dinner together. The incident in question occurred after the dinner, and according to an interview with this newspaper, the woman also reported what she claims to have been a “victimization” to her workplace. It is not known whether or not a sexual assault actually occurred, as the incident occurred in a situation where only Nakai and the woman were present, but Nakai subsequently appointed an attorney to negotiate the matter and paid a settlement to resolve the matter. The amount, including compensation, was between 80 and 90 million yen. What is of concern is how Nakai will respond in the future and how it will affect his work. On the day this newspaper reported the news, Nakai’s agency responded to the report by explaining, “Nothing has been decided at this point, so there is nothing I can say.” On this day, many of the television programs in which Nakai appears began serious discussions regarding future recordings, etc. Some television stations have decided to cancel studio recordings scheduled for the 26th. Previous thread.
Cruel Nakai After the incident (the incident occurred last month, so it seems to have been recorded within a month of the incident) Masahiro Nakai’s radio on & on air on July 1, 2023 (listen at the address below)
3 minutes into the show, he plays Spitz’s Nagisa for some reason And he introduces the song title while laughing It’s not the kind of song you would introduce with a laugh It can be assumed that the radio staff also heard about the incident from Nakai and shared it with Nakai as a joke He’s crazy.
Once a settlement is reached, it cannot be dissolved.
Therefore, the victim is considered to have ratified the acts of abuse in this case, and cannot go back on that. Nakai can claim compensation for breach of contract, but even if the woman files a new complaint about this case, she will not be prosecuted. Nakai will be able to live a life of leisure, but the woman will have to pay a huge breach of contract and it will be completely over. Thank you very much.
According to Bunshun, the event was set up by a Fuji TV executive, and both the Fuji TV executive and the other attendees canceled at the last minute to create a situation where only the two of them were there.
>>60 In Seven’s initial report, it said that P and three other people were involved, so I wonder why that difference occurred. I wonder if Seven and Bunshun got different information sources?
>>67 Normally, if someone becomes a victim of a sexual crime, they would protect him. And if he is the perpetrator, they would investigate and if it is true, they would fire him. Fuji is weird.
Even after all this fuss, if you aspire to be a female announcer, you might get looked at strangely. Female college students who want to be female announcers need to be prepared.