Kamogawa Sea World is plagued by malicious YouTubers who use “dangerous selfie sticks” and “cameras aimed at employees”... A public relations representative explains the truth behind the breach of etiquette that led to the “filming ban.”
※7/28 (Sun) 6:00 a.m. smartflash It seems that the “evil hand” of YouTubers has reached even the popular show that attracts many families. “We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding in banning filming during this time, as it is a measure against the increasing number of streamers who do not adhere to our terms of use.” On July 25, Kamogawa Sea World in Chiba Prefecture announced on its website that, starting from August 1, entry to and filming at the Ocean Stadium will be prohibited from the final performance of the day until the end of the performance. As mentioned above, the reason for the ban on filming is the “increase in the number of streamers.” “Ocean Stadium is a popular spot in Kamogawa Sea World, with spectator seating arranged all around a circular aquarium. There are usually about five killer whale shows per day. Of course, it’s okay to film the show, but from now on, you won’t be able to get near the tank after the show is over.” (Entertainment reporter) What on earth happened? The museum lists three “occurring violations of the terms of use” as follows: 1. Filming in a way that endangers animals or other customers 2. Filming, live streaming, and filming for commercial purposes that leads to copyright infringement 3. Filming and publishing that could violate the privacy of customers and certain employees who are not related to the person filming… When we actually checked with the public relations department, the nuisance behavior of the YouTubers became clear. “Firstly, regarding photography, the museum prohibits the bringing in of camera monopods, tripods, selfie sticks and other photography equipment. However, occasionally there are customers who bring them in. When used beyond the aquarium glass, animals will be intrigued and drawn closer. If the customer accidentally swallows it or pulls on it, it could lead to injury to the customer.” Furthermore, there are YouTubers who are making unfair profits. Continue reading below.
Anyone who makes money through crime or whatever is considered great. That’s capitalism. How much do your employees get paid? If you don’t make more than a YouTuber, don’t complain. This is the world where people get likes for this lol.
Let’s put an end to YouTube monetization for people who can only make money off other people’s content. If you want money, get a proper contract and get money from there. Don’t use it without permission.
There’s someone who just takes pictures of dancing Disney cast members and uploads them to Short Videos, but it’s all just like that, so it’s really creepy.