※8/12 (Mon) 7:02 tbs news dig powered by jnn Have you ever had the disappointing experience of suddenly finding an “uninvited guest” during a pleasant meal? They are small flies that appear without you noticing and quietly fly around the dining table. They’re better than the noisy buzzing of mosquitoes, and it might be tolerable if they were just flying around, but what if they landed on your food? For example, let’s say you went back home for Obon. They are happy to be reunited with their families for the first time in a long time, and as they sit around the dinner table they eat with their chopsticks, saying, “The food from home is the best after all.” But the next moment, a small fly flew in from somewhere and landed on the food for just a moment! What should I do… should I throw away just the part the fly landed on, or should I throw away the entire food on the plate? However, it’s a home-cooked meal made by my family, so I feel bad about throwing it away. You could pretend you didn’t see anything and carry on eating in silence, but more importantly, aren’t there any health hazards posed by small flies? So this time, we spoke to Hashimoto Tomoyuki, head of the Environmental Biology and Living Environment Department at the Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, about the impact small flies can have on food. –First of all, ’kobachi’ is a general term for small flies, right? Specifically, could you tell us what types of kobachi flies are likely to come to the dining table? Read more↓ “A small fly landed on my food for just a second!” Is that food hygienic? We asked an expert.
>>1 If you worry about flies, you can’t eat bananas. Flies will come to peeled bananas right away. They use bananas to attract flies, and then they lay eggs on the bananas, but people don’t notice.
Recently, an American soldier who was at a JGSDF base festival picked up some nuts that had fallen on the floor and ate them, which gave me a good idea of his country’s ideas about hygiene.
In the past, I often saw them resting on bread at bakeries.
0025Anonymous donburako rolling around.Aug. 12, 2024 (Mon) 10:07:16.17ID:uQ4voa5n0(2/2)
The fingers that you touch after using your smartphone are much more likely to carry germs than flies. Apparently smartphone screens are dirtier than toilet seats.
However, I think it is unlikely that stopping cooking for just a few seconds would transfer bacteria to a level that would cause health problems. If there are no problems a few hours or a day after eating the food, it likely wasn’t affected by fruit flies. I know this is hindsight, but…” It’s gambling Well, I guess it’s not really a problem.
Humans are dirtier than gnats or cockroaches. Insects that live in unsanitary environments secrete an imperfect bactericidal liquid to protect themselves from germs.