As the “disappeared rice” returned, the consumer price index for September showed that “rice is expensive!” and in Tokyo’s 23 wards it was 40% higher than the previous year.
0001Capital Region Tiger ★.Oct. 14, 2024 (Mon) 11:04:37.88ID:XXOCYxEO9
Rice disappeared from supermarket shelves this summer. Just when it seemed the shortage had subsided when new rice began to appear on the market in the fall, prices have risen significantly. In September, the consumer price index for Tokyo’s 23 wards showed that rice prices rose 41.4% compared to the same month last year. The price has increased from 2,000 yen for 5 kg to 2,800 yen. This is the highest growth rate in 49 years. Full text at source Last updated: 10/14 (Mon) 9:22 ★1 2024/10/14 (Mon) 08:18:53.88 Previous thread. https http
>>2 If you use the hometown tax donation method of rice, it might be good because it doesn’t go through wholesale and retail. So that’s what hometown tax donations are like, the tertiary industry.
The mass media has stoked the hype, saying things like, “There’s a rice shortage!! Look! At this supermarket, people are rushing to get the new rice they just got!”
>>4 That’s right, that’s what caused the market to go haywire. Well, the Nankai Trough earthquake will hit before that, so stock up, but the media also hyped this up lol.
>>8 > I grow rice, do you have any questions? lol How many hectares do you cultivate? Right now we only have 4 tan, we’re just a carefree farmer who cultivates with Arashi.
In supermarkets in Tokyo, rice from places I’ve never seen before, like Koshihikari from Chiba and Akitakomachi from Ibaraki, is lined up. Have they been falsifying the origin of the rice up until now? lol.
>>15 If you’re in Kanto, Ibaraki-san from Chiba is always selling it. What you don’t see as much is Saitama-san, who should be producing quite a bit of rice.
>>15 Agricultural product shipping volume ranking First place is Hokkaido, second place is Ibaraki, and third place is Chiba, so it’s not surprising to see rice there.
>>15 It’s unusual to not see rice from Chiba or Ibaraki in supermarkets in Tokyo. If you’re thinking about being eco-friendly, local production and consumption is the best.
>>28 After all, farmers should just work as slaves. The Constitutional Communist Party should bring down the hammer on those who talk nonsense about wanting money.
Until about two years ago, you could buy a pack of five grass-cutting tipped saws for just over 1,000 yen, but now you have to pay around 3,000 yen to get one.
A thread for poor people to complain lol “Import it” “Farmers are making too much money” “Release stockpiles of rice” “Scale up production” You’re so embarrassing lol.
The prices are probably aimed at foreigners, people who look like complete foreigners, non-Tokyoites of a certain generation, and people who are grabbing the cheap money. In a place that has become foreign, businesses that were originally Japanese for many years are doing their best.
Let me explain to the idiots who think that large-scale agriculture will stabilize the supply. Companies won’t touch inefficient rice fields, so production will go down. The current supply is supported by the baby boomers in their 70s who are working like slaves. If companies became the main producers of rice, the price of rice would double.
0101Anonymous donburako rolling around.Oct. 14, 2024 (Mon) 11:19:23.10ID:t/LzVXFJ0
>>41 It’s not uncommon for baby boomers to sell things to their children or relatives for less than the market price, or even give them away for free. So, wholesalers buy up the remaining rice at extremely low prices, and what they scrape together becomes rice for commercial use and for discount stores. So, if these elderly agricultural workers disappear, not only will supply be reduced, but the people who used to buy from them will have to buy from the stores instead. In other words, demand will increase. It’s obvious that prices will go up.
They say samurai, farmers, artisans and merchants. The next most important person after the samurai is the farmer. You guys are artisans or merchants, so you’re of low status.
After the new rice season, the price drops by 500 yen for 5kg every year. At the beginning of the year, it drops to around 2,800 yen. That was the case last year as well. By the way, this year’s new rice is about 3,500 yen for 5kg, the same as last year. Price of Tsuyahime pre-rinsed rice from Yamagata Prefecture. .