Rising food costs are changing the landscape of the dining table. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ household survey report, food expenses for a family of three exceeded 90,000 yen for the first time outside of the end of the year in August 2024, accounting for more than 30% of total expenditures. Read more from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
>>5 Engel coefficient reaches 28% of household expenditures, highest in 42 years October 18, 2024 16:18 https:●//www.nikkei.com/article/dgxzqoua09aad0z01c24a0000000/.
If they have children, they will have a mortgage of tens of millions of yen, they will need at least 20 million yen for each child’s upbringing, and it is even said that they will need 40 million yen for their own retirement.
Under this hellish LDP-Komeito government, incomes are falling and the only things that are rising are taxes and prices. The Engel coefficient is also skyrocketing.
This isn’t a thread for bragging about saving money, so feel free to ignore extreme opinions. A couple cooks almost every meal for themselves, so it would be over 50,000 yen for two people, so for four people it would be 90,000 yen.
Well, once the temple is built, you get charged based on the number of people. This doesn’t just apply to food, but to all aspects of daily life. What a single person can enjoy for 2,000 yen, a person with children has to spend 10,000 yen.
The other day, my family of three (including one toddler) ate at Royal Host and were charged about 7,000 yen even though we didn’t eat much. Eating out has also become more expensive.
I looked at the household survey and it looks something like this for the past month. ●For a single person household, the man earns 50,000 yen, the woman 40,000 yen. ●For a household with two or more people, 3 people earn 90,000 yen. 4 people earn 100,000 yen. 5 people earn 110,000 yen.
Extremely impoverished Japan, where even rice can no longer be purchased due to the hellish LDP-Komeito government’s stagflation policies. It has already been completely defeated by China, Taiwan and South Korea, and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes poorer than North Korea.
For three people, it’s about 50,000 yen. If you eat out, it’s about 70,000 yen. I don’t really think about saving money, so I think that’s about normal. I also feel like 90,000 yen is a bit expensive.