[Kyodo News, Washington] At a press conference on the 8th, State Department spokesman Miller said regarding Ambassador to Japan Emanuel’s absence from the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony, “We felt it was important that the Israeli ambassador be invited, just like the ambassadors of other countries.” He echoed Emanuel, who said not inviting Israel was a “political decision.” Miller also explained that the position of successive US administrations in favor of the ceremony has been “well-documented.” He stressed that his position remains unchanged even if Emanuel is absent. Kyodo News, August 9, 2024, 5:43 a.m.
He doesn’t care about Middle East peace or anything else and just supports genocide. How will the Islamic Coalition respond to Iran’s declaration of retaliation?
I could understand if this ceremony was held for about 10 years after the war, but I wonder how long they’re going to keep doing it. And it’s only held twice a year in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It’s getting tiresome for the ambassadors of each country too.
Hiroshima aside, Nagasaki was a mistake that should never have happened in a Christian country, where Christians who offered prayers for the end of the war at the Church of Mary were massacred.
We should invite Russia and Belarus, and then Israel. And then we should demand that Emanuel, the US ambassador to Japan, apologize for the atomic bombings and indiscriminate air raids, which are violations of international law and crimes against humanity.
>>27 I mean everyone, in the turf war between Islam, Christianity and Judaism, Britain has promised to form an alliance with the Jews (Israel) and back them up, so the British Union is just following that. Australia is in agreement too, right?
Mizushima, the president of Channel Sakura, and Professor Jason Morgan are furious at US Ambassador to Japan Emanuel. Are they planning a protest to get out of Japan?