[Yonhap News, Seoul] It was learned on the 6th that trace amounts of the radioactive substance cesium were detected in Japanese konjac imported into South Korea, causing importers to stop importing the product. According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, inspections of food imported from Japan conducted from the 30th of last month to the 5th of this month found that konjac produced in Nagano Prefecture contained 3 becquerels of cesium per kilogram. The import amount was 90 kg. The standard limit for radioactive substances in food is 100 becquerels per kilogram, but the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety requires the submission of additional inspection certificates for strontium and other substances even when only trace amounts are detected. For this reason, importers often stop importing and return or dispose of products if radioactive material is detected, even in small amounts. In addition to this latest case, trace amounts of cesium have been detected in Japanese products five times this year, including candies, rice bran, guarana powder, and Mexican gum ingredients imported through Japan. As a result, manufacturers have voluntarily stopped importing the products. Yonhap News 2024.09.06 17:26 Previous thread [Korea] Manufacturer detects traces of cesium in Japanese konjac and halts imports [9/6] [Bird★].
0009Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 03:22:01.78ID:x3VQoYQy(3/5)
The vendor voluntarily stopped importing the product. <丶`∀´>Nika has stopped importing lol.
0012Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 03:25:47.08ID:prPuPiQZ
Made in the suspicious country of Korea.
0013Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 03:26:51.37ID:t8zU7fPv
Why is it being discovered now? Cesium has a half-life of about 2 years. It must have been leaking somewhere recently.
0029Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:10:50.88ID:4dzUWVMc
>>13 The half-life of cesium-134 is about 2 years, and that of cesium-137 is about 30 years.
0014Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 03:28:18.03ID:U37tD4N1
So that means Kanto is in trouble?
0028Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:06:57.59ID:C9N3qrV9
> Five separate incidents of Mexican gum ingredients imported through Japan. I’m sure they didn’t investigate anything other than Japan-related products. I think if they investigated everything that comes in from all over the world, the number would be considerable.
0030Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:11:03.29ID:upoOOkMA
The radioactive Japanese people are a shitty nation that dumps polluted water into the ocean and exports contaminated food. They’re the filth of the world.
0031Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:12:15.51ID:RPsoKx2A
The color of konnyaku comes from the use of Arame and Hijiki seaweed. Potassium-40 is a radioactive material. Haven’t you people on the continent been burning seaweed and turning it into ash to make fuses and soap since ancient times?
0044Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:43:45.36ID:K4GkWl0v(3/3)
>>31 Cesium lol.
0040Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:34:46.87ID:XBY7DgzE
Will you eat konnyaku tonight?
0041Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 04:36:18.30ID:U4iRuALY
The punchline is that the Korean measuring equipment was contaminated.
0045Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 05:00:07.25ID:lZU3sLA6
This means that if you eat 10 kilograms of konnyaku every day for 10 years, you might get cancer.
0047Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 05:15:31.82ID:QUN3A7DA
Korea is amazing for finding cesium below the detection limit Are they mixing waste radioactive materials into asphalt? Is it the steel frame of a building?
0050Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 05:42:25.97ID:D3ViJLt0
If Japan can do it, then the standard values don’t matter. All we’ll see is that it’s been detected!
0064Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 07:04:04.87ID:uRjA44IK
Three becquerels is less than natural radiation. Korea’s nitpicking is too bad. If it’s going to have physical effects, you’d have to eat about 40 kilograms of konjac, right? Do Koreans really eat 30 kilograms of konjac? That’s stupid.
0075Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 08:53:53.47ID:FL0mws0h(2/2)
>>64 Eating 40kg won’t have any effect on your body The reason it’s set at 100 becquerels is because it’s the lowest value that can be accurately measured.
0065Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 07:24:54.82ID:LBLzkOQ8
At a time like this, Japanese government offices should do something like “Japanese vs Korean konjac cesium showdown!” to entertain the world (except Korea).
0067Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 07:37:29.45ID:FAFpUAXc
If you’re looking for dried mushrooms, there are probably easier options out there…
0071Discussion of changing board settings is underway in the self-governance thread.Sep. 7, 2024 (Sat) 08:49:53.35ID:jOk9n2ud
The level was detected by adhering to dust floating in the air in the area.