The goal of higher education is to equip students with new ideas and skills that will pave the way for higher-paying jobs. Many students make this dream a reality. But that doesn’t happen to all students. As the percentage of college graduates increases year by year, more and more graduates are finding themselves limited to jobs previously reserved for people without a college education, and with low salaries, despite having studied at university. This trend was also highlighted in data from the 2023 edition of the American Community Survey (ACS), conducted annually by the U.S. Census Bureau. Read more at Forbes.
>>1 I guess it’s similar in Japan. I don’t know if it’s true, but in Korea, there are a lot of people who graduate from Seoul University but can’t find a job and end up working part-time at McDonald’s. If you don’t have a high level of education, you can’t even get hired as a part-timer at McDonald’s. What the hell?
Of course there are people who fail even after graduating from college, but 99% of people with low education will spend their lives being overworked and underpaid, so it’s still better to go to college.
>>8 I think it’s the other way around now But this society of pointless education is like the 90s with inflation and land prices rising like Japan during the bubble Next, meritocracy will probably collapse in America too.
Two PhDs and no job. A public health crisis where the only way to remain competent is to regularly take medication for developmentally disabled children. How did we get to this point?
Because there is a community college, everyone can enter university. That’s America, a country where poor people go to war to get into a four-year school. That’s America.
It’s always been like that in Japan, but now the lefties are telling us to “stop discriminating against people based on educational background,” and instead, it’s like high school graduates are given preferential treatment and college graduates are treated poorly. Is it even happening in America? Lefties are scary. We need to evaluate intellectual work more properly.
>>31 The use of AI will leave almost no room for intellectual labor The only use for it will be for pointless ceremonies and that is exactly what is truly useless.
I can sharpen chisels and planes, I can make plane scraps that look like saran wrap, and I’ve secretly been teaching myself the skills that carpenters no longer use.
Employment is only created by a few super genius inventors. Nichia Chemical, the maker of the Nobel Prize-winning blue light-emitting diode, has its headquarters in Anan City, Tokushima Prefecture, and has 10,000 employees with an average annual salary of 6.7 million yen. General trading companies cannot operate without high-value products that can be used to cut profits. Essentially, high-wage jobs will not increase unless we develop the science and engineering talent that is the reserve force of inventors.
So it’s non-cognitive abilities that are important: building and maintaining trusting relationships with others, strategically allocating attention and controlling emotions, and being able to ask for help.
>>45 That’s true because we live in a society where changing jobs helps you advance your career. They take time to look at your skills when hiring. A key engineer from the local California subsidiary left, so I went to fill the gap. His predecessor moved to Apple, and the interview stories were interesting. I also hired a successor after I took over the job, but it took about two months to look at his skills.