An unofficial candidate criticized the 20 million yen sent by the LDP headquarters, saying, “It was transferred without my permission,” “It’s a nuisance,” and “I want it back.”
Kiyoshi Odawara (60), who was unable to receive the LDP’s endorsement due to a faction-wide slush fund scandal and is running as an independent in the upcoming House of Representatives election in Tokyo’s 21st district, admitted on the 24th that 20 million yen in activity funds had been transferred from the party headquarters to the party branch of which he is the representative. Odawara mentioned the matter in a street speech in Tachikawa, Tokyo, saying, “The 20 million yen is not what we hoped for after becoming unofficial members. The money was transferred without my permission, and now I’m being told it’s political funding, which just leaves me confused. I intend to give back,” he said. Regarding the issue of factional slush funds, it has been revealed that Odawara failed to report 12.4 million yen in his political funding report. In an interview after his speech, Odawara said, “I didn’t know the money had been deposited until it was reported in the news. “Campaign staff are negotiating with the party headquarters today to return it, but we have heard they have been refused as it was a donation from the party,” he explained. He told the party headquarters, “It may be out of parental love, but it’s a nuisance. The timing is just too bad,” he said. (Naoki Nakayama).
>>1 The money that candidates spend on election campaigns is recorded for each candidate and reported to the election management committee. No matter who the representative is (it’s just a member of parliament who is the representative for convenience), if the party branch’s money is used for elections, it will just be recorded in the election expense ledger by candidates other than the non-official candidates, and the money will be used for the election campaigns of candidates other than the non-official candidates.
>>8 The notice was dated the 9th The transfer was apparently made on the 10th If they had intended to protest, they had nearly two weeks until the Akahata scoop yesterday https
>>9 99% of the Japanese Communist Party’s political funds come from indirect donations. The majority of the Communist Party’s income comes from sales of its magazine, Akahata, but the purpose of a magazine published by a political party is not to obtain political funds, but to communicate the political policies, policies, and opinions of the party or politician. The Communist Party gets most of its political funding from the sale of Akahata (revenues exceed 16 billion yen), and the sale of Akahata is used as an anonymous, indirect form of political donations in the name of the party’s newspaper. Furthermore, since there is no obligation to disclose details of income from Akahata sales, even if a foreigner is a major purchaser and therefore a de facto donor of political funds, it is not listed in the political funds income and expenditure report, meaning that illegal donations are slipping through the net of the Political Funds Control Act. In terms of the opacity of political funds, the sale of Akahata, which involves huge indirect donations, is far more criminal. The media just doesn’t report it >>1.
The word “netouyo” means “patriot.” In other words, the people who make fun of and criticize netouyo are anti-Japanese agents from China and Korea. Their goal is to make people think that being patriotic is uncool and weaken Japan’s national power. I hope Japanese people are careful not to be misled by the posts of anti-Japanese agents.
He’s so incompetent that he didn’t even notice that 20 million yen had been transferred until it was reported, so he’s probably not cut out to be a politician.
0025(;゚Д゚)Koro Neko Movie(tentative)10 ◆efvlpniye33o.Oct. 24, 2024 (Thu) 22:35:20.04ID:A5RSXPaZ0
(;゚Д゚)He was acting all high and mighty even though he would have enjoyed it if he hadn’t been scooped.
Oh, it was true lol Ishiba and these guys, are they really going to fight lol My local secret money teacher is in full wake mode He has a strong base so he should be able to read the votes perfectly, but this time the people walking around the city looked at him coldly lol This is the first time I’ve seen something like this lol There were only a few people at his speech, he didn’t even shake hands, it was a mess lol It doesn’t matter because of organized votes, but if the voter turnout goes up it’ll be bad.