The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is adding the construction costs of nuclear power plants to electricity bills, going against the liberalization of the new system.
It has been learned that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is considering introducing a system that would allow construction costs to be added to electricity bills in order to promote the construction of new nuclear power plants. This is because the cost of safety measures has ballooned following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, and the liberalization of the electricity market has eliminated any way to reliably recover construction costs, making power companies hesitant to invest. The government plans to increase “carbon-free power sources” to prepare for future increases in demand, but this could lead to a wider increase in the burden on the public. According to sources, the plan will be based on the “rab model,” a nuclear power support policy devised in the UK. Under this system, electricity retailers cover construction and maintenance costs for nuclear power plant construction plans approved by the government once construction begins. The fee will be recovered by adding it to your electricity bill. Even if construction costs increase, they can be included in the fees if they are deemed necessary expenses. If the plan is suspended, the government will provide compensation, such as by providing funds. There are also mechanisms in place to encourage reductions in costs added to electricity bills. If this system were introduced as is in Japan, it would be up to retail companies, including new power companies, to decide whether to charge customers directly in their electricity bills. However, even those who choose 100% renewable electricity may still end up paying the construction costs of nuclear power plants. In the past, power plants and power transmission and distribution networks… 2591 characters remaining) Asahi Shimbun, July 24, 2024, 6:30 a.m.
0091Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:54:12.08ID:oEudF6Eh0
>>1 Are these guys stupid?
0007Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:17:06.03ID:9l+is4zD0
Another price hike?
0009Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:18:06.13ID:X1iqM6uH0
They said they would stop building new facilities, right? Lying government and bureaucrat Ma.
0010Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:18:46.67ID:8xCwcrPx0
Power company employee receives “largest bonus ever.”
0013Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:19:29.94ID:PlQ3aTAa0
So cut off the subsidies for solar.
0014Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:20:00.32ID:BPXs/7o20
Another tax increase?
0021Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:21:57.73ID:mrGpJiPg0
>>14 If you don’t use electricity, it costs 0 yen.
0015Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:20:26.62ID:uF5uRCLw0
Why not have the proponents of nuclear power pay for it? I’m sure they’d be happy to pay.
0043Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:32:14.29ID:nzOlsXLi0(1/2)
>>15 Seriously, do something about Fukushima Daiichi already.
0107Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 14:00:09.15ID:eFL2ZRXh0
>>15 I’ll pay, but if there’s a power shortage, we should first make sure the breakers of those opposed are turned off.
0017Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:20:46.18ID:NrNl6bDs0
Do whatever you want.
0018Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:20:57.76ID:w7m+MmKs0
Another cut in the middle?
0019Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:20:58.01ID:kJJ0dJs80
After 3/11, all the political parties said they would abolish nuclear power plants in the future, although the timing would differ. This country is really full of liars.
0020Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:20:59.74ID:5WCH3Elz0
Do it with tax money, do it with a fund. Since Kishida took office, it has become easier to raise money outside of tax money.
0038Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:29:45.17ID:30Ie3w940
>>20 Isn’t it a good thing that no one takes the money in the form of taxes and redistribution?
0022Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:22:13.72ID:9mt9sA3P0
Never let the Liberal Democratic Party become the ruling party again.
0027Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:26:19.33ID:ILpmMURL0
So if the power company were to pay for it out of their own pocket, it would naturally be added to your electricity bill, so why bother now?
0060Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:43:49.24ID:VyWZ3G4r0(1/3)
>>27 Electric power companies that don’t have nuclear power plants don’t need to add on, so with the current liberalization, they’re going to go in that direction That’s why they’re trying to force the surcharge on them.
0028Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:26:40.86ID:yjbH/72b0
Don’t stop talking until you can ensure that it is safe enough to build in Tokyo Bay.
Nuclear power isn’t cheap at all. They’re just using tax money to make it look cheap.
0045Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:33:34.52ID:nzOlsXLi0(2/2)
Immediately after 3/11, the home of the then-president of TEPCO was removed from Street View, which was quite a dark moment.
0046Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:34:31.96ID:Ta1X/29o0
Huh? It’s a tax increase. Electric power companies are making record profits, so make them pay.
0049Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:36:44.84ID:akZpNXXE0
Are we still building nuclear power plants? This country experiences earthquakes, which clearly have the potential to destroy the country in the future. We need to streamline our current nuclear power plants first; 54 plants is strange when we experience earthquakes.
0058Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:42:27.37ID:Kv76H3ko0(1/2)
It’s a stealth tax increase.
0063Anonymous donburako rolling around.Jul. 24, 2024 (Wed) 13:45:32.92ID:O9wyUBoC0(1/3)
Executive allowances for nuclear power-related companies are being added to electricity bills.