Hyogo Clicking his tongue, “Do you know what’s wrong?”... The person in charge of holding the elevator open for Governor Saito Motohiko, who is called an “instant water heater” and a “tyrant.”
※2024/08/20 05:00 Yomiuri Shimbun In response to the whistleblower case against Hyogo Governor Saito Motohiko, the interim report of a staff survey conducted by the Prefectural Assembly’s Article 100 Committee revealed that many new allegations of power harassment were submitted in the free-form comments section. “Instant water heater” “Tyrant”… Some officials revealed that Governor Saito was called this behind his back. He was made to walk 20 meters and then yelled at: “Can’t you even press the elevator button?” One staff member wrote that he had heard Governor Saito scold a staff member with these words when he visited a potential event site in Kobe City. He reportedly became enraged when the doors closed just as Governor Saito was about to board the elevator at the facility, causing him to miss his chance. There were several descriptions of the elevator, including “If the elevator was not there when he left his office (in the prefectural office) he would become furious,” and “Because the governor would be upset if he was made to wait, a person was assigned to keep the elevator open until the governor arrived.” The same criticism of the prefecture’s movement patterns was also made by the former head of the Nishi-Harima Prefectural Affairs Bureau, a male employee (who died in July), in a written accusation sent to media outlets and others in mid-March, in which he raised suspicions that “after getting off his official vehicle on a business trip, he was made to walk 20 meters, and then yelled at the employee.” The survey also noted that Governor Saito was called an “instant water heater” and a “tyrant” by his staff. Continue reading below.
>>13 With such bad reviews, he can’t be in national politics, and he’s definitely unemployed. He’ll have to team up with Ishimaru, who is also on the decline, and become a nuisance YouTuber.
It seems like he lacks the ability to consider others, so he doesn’t care if someone dies because of him, and he has no intention of taking responsibility.
But if it was a girl, it’d be normal… There are so many idiots who get angry and shamelessly complain on Twitter if someone won’t open the door for them.
It would be a problem if the governor was decided based on the likes and dislikes of government officials. Recall him; the people of the prefecture have that right.
>>48 Recently I’ve been thinking that the opposite of the rumor-spouting mass media is the right answer, so this governor might actually be a righteous person. Let’s support those who are criticized by the mass media.
I think it’s fine to do it because it’s a great thing, but I think you should at least say something like “thank you for your hard work” to the person who did it.
>>65 Isn’t gratitude to others something expected of those who are lower in rank or weaker? It’s natural for subordinates to do things for their superiors, so there’s no need to express gratitude or say thank you.