[Attorney Yamagishi Hisaro] “Right now, people are saying things like ‘Maybe his election was invalid’ and ‘He’s lost his job,’ but I think it’s a bit too heated when the facts haven’t come out that far yet.” ■The Public Offices Election Act should be “simpler to look at” [Attorney Yamagishi Hisaro] “It’s better to look at the law more simply, and the Public Offices Election Act is simple: ‘When you ask someone to campaign for you, you can’t pay them.’ If you ask someone to campaign for you and pay them money, it is considered bribery and a crime. That’s all. As an exception, making posters or flyers is permitted. They are also allowed to hire a secretary or a female announcer and pay for them. If there are exceptions like this, it would be permissible to pay the money. In this case, 700,000 yen was paid. Governor Saito’s lawyers have already put forward five items, mainly relating to posters and flyers, which are within the scope of the Public Offices Election Act. Moreover, in terms of cost, 700,000 yen is not that expensive for a poster or flyer. On the other hand, if you were to also have them develop a social media strategy, 700,000 yen would probably not be enough. So, looking at this case only from the facts that have been released so far, as to whether the prosecutors will bring charges or not, I don’t think they will go as far as to bring charges, looking at recent precedents and so on. Honestly, it’s not such a serious sin. When it comes to whether the prosecution will indict, even if it means taking the risk of being found not guilty, I take a negative view of this. Now, the president of the PR company… Continue reading here FNN Prime Online.
It’s just PR, so “I’m not campaigning” Moreover, I’m acting as an individual volunteer Yes, a complete refutation The anti-Saito faction’s inferior genetic slave race Koreans can only gnash their teeth and stomp their feet in frustration.
Gogosuma Ishii: “Can you really get away with that excuse? Hmm?” That’s just too pathetic for the old media🤣🤣🤣 He’s more likely to be arrested for defamation than Saito🤣🤣🤣.
Ever since the power harassment allegations, Saito has been constantly being bashed to death with hints of what’s going on. So of course he gets sympathy votes.
I’m sorry, but all Orita had to do was say he was a volunteer. It was the only way to save both parties, so why did they label him a liar? Things are only going to get worse from here.
>>21 It’s too much to ask your company to volunteer for over a month lol What kind of reward are they promised? Well, the Unification Church is a free service Of course they receive something in return.
The only thing that can be judged is the judicial system after an investigation and lawsuit is filed. After that, it’s just selfish outside noise, so take it easy.
You’re right that it’s better to just look at it simply. On TV, the Saito faction thinks that whoever shouts the loudest is the winner, bringing it down to interpretation lol.
Well, if it’s a problem, the prosecutors will take action. I’m not a Hyogo resident so I don’t understand why people are making such a fuss about this.