A roundtable discussion about the reality of young women who don’t get married “I lose my freedom,” “I’m satisfied with my idol activities,” and “I feel tied down.”
0001Capital Region Tiger ★.Oct. 2, 2024 (Wed) 20:06:03.92ID:4GKzB37V9
Total fertility rate indicates the number of children a woman will have in her lifetime. Shizuoka Prefecture has reached a new record low. The background to this is the trend of young people remaining unmarried and marrying later in life. Why don’t they want to get married? We gathered three unmarried women in their 30s and asked them their honest opinions. The total fertility rate is set to reach an all-time low of 1.25, announced in June 2024. This is the total fertility rate, which indicates the number of children a woman will have in her lifetime, and Shizuoka Prefecture’s rate hit a new record low. When we explain to young people about the current situation of declining birth rates, they respond with things like, “Personally, I can’t have children because there aren’t enough systems in place to support the child-rearing generation,” and “I think we live in an age where it costs a lot of money to raise a child, so when I think about it, I just can’t have children.” Does marriage take away freedom? One of the reasons for the declining birth rate is thought to be young people choosing not to marry and marrying later in life. What do people in their 20s and 30s actually think about marriage and childbirth? When we gathered three unmarried women in their 30s living in Shizuoka Prefecture, the common opinion we heard was that “marriage and childbirth are not high priorities.” 30-year-old woman A: I have a very strong feeling that (marriage) means losing freedom. It’s like being tied down. We only have one life, so I want to live it the way I want to. 27-year-old woman: I’m the same, but I have a lot of hobbies that I like, so (if I get married) I won’t be able to do what I want to do. She feels like she is tied down so much. So what does she prioritize? It seems like she is busy with her hobbies and what is known as “oshikatsu.” 30-year-old woman B: I think there are more and more people who are enjoying their idol activities and feeling fulfilled. 30-year-old woman A: They spend money to chase after them, and then when they see them, they’re satisfied and happy. 30-year-old woman B: And then they try to make more money. Diversification of values may also be an influence. And all three of them emphasized the diversification of values. For the full text, see source. Last updated: 10/2 (Wed) 20:02.
>>8 It’s completely different depending on the workplace, the family, and the children you have. If you have a white-collar job, a family where you can outsource housework and childcare and share it between the husband and wife, and your children are smart and can grow up on their own, study, and become independent, you’re a winner. But if it’s the opposite, you’re screwed.
Those who want to get married can do so, and those who don’t can don’t. We’re not forcing anything on people like we do with masks and the coronavirus vaccine.
If you look on the internet, you’ll find a lot of fun things to do and everyone is happy. In order to improve the declining birthrate, we should restrict female internet use.
Women have more ways to make money when they’re young. However, if they’re a talented actress, CEO, or company executive, it’s one thing, but if they have no social status and only look good, they’ll be in trouble once their expiration date has passed.
Telling young people that they should get married because they only live once doesn’t really resonate with them. Freedom is truly a bonus time after your 50s. People who have been married, raised children, and worked can enjoy freedom after their 50s. If you enjoy freedom in your 20s, only restrictions await you from your 50s onwards.
Is it okay for me to live a life where I can never experience the happiness of my child taking a bath with me on my birthday and hugging me tight and saying “Happy birthday, Dad?”
It’s the same as men who don’t get married. It used to be mostly men who didn’t get married for that reason, but it seems like the number of women not getting married is gradually increasing.
>>36 I know the value of days off because I have a job. Life and health are both finite, so I feel truly grateful for them. I wonder if I can empathize with this. For people who say that sounds old-fashioned, it’s like preaching to the horse’s ears.
There are a lot of things to point out. Don’t be fooled, even now people with normal sensibilities and incomes are getting married, so don’t let online opinion dictate your life.
It seems like she really doesn’t want to have children so she’s trying to hold off until the limit. Even from a man’s perspective, childbirth is too gruesome.
If you go somewhere as a family, you have to pay for transportation for four people. If you eat out, you have to pay for food for four people. If you eat at home, you have to pay for ingredients for four people.